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TW: physical abuse, blood, gore

"Arne" i whispered as he left a trail of kisses across my jawline and down my neck. He undressed me while keeping his lips pressed against my skin. i ran my hands through his hair as i tossed my head back in pleasure.

"stop talking" he grabbed my face roughly which i didn't mind, he was hot when he was controlling but then he wrapped his hand tightly around my neck. It was fine for the first few seconds but then his grip tightened to the point i couldn't breath. I was kicking, slapping his hand scratching him, doing anything and everything i could to get him off. It wasn't working. Suddenly a black cloud formed behind him, a tall shadow figure stood behind him copying his exact movements. I turned my head to the side, gasping for air i could feel my eyes staring to shut.

"look at me." he hissed

"LOOK AT ME." he yelled. I slowly turn my head and let out a blood curdling scream as a response to what i saw.

I gasped for air as i sat up and looked around my nearly pitch black room, the only light was from the moon shining through my window. I coughed as i touched my neck. I wiped the sweat off my forehead and put my head between my legs as my breathing slowed down to a normal pace. What a nightmare.


"So i was thinking we rent out the apartment above that dog place and stay there the summer" Arne went on about how he has this fun summer planned for us since it's our last summer together before college. I was still thinking about the nightmare from the previous night. It felt so real. Too real. It sent shivers down my spine everytime i thought of it. But that was the first time i had a dream like that about Arne. I looked at him, like looked at him. That one strand of hair that fell in front of his face no matter how many times he tried to push it back, his sharp jawline that could cut, hes built but more on the lean side and not to mention he was tall. He was a solid foot taller than me and practically towered over me.

"Y/N? Are you listening?" he asked as he snapped his finger in front of my face

"What yeah of course i am" i muttered

"Are you sure you're ok?" he asked once again

"I said yes" i replied harshly which i was about to immediately apologize for but Arne began speaking

"You don't need to be such a bitch about it. I was just asking." he spat before walking away. I stood frozen, Arne has never talked anyone let alone me like that. Never. It's like he's a completely different person at times lately.

- two weeks later-

I packed my things into a duffle bag and said my goodbyes to my parents. I got into Arne's truck and we drove down to Debbie's house to pick her up. We drove down to the apartment we rented out for the summer. We all got jobs too so we can pay for it. We settled in quickly, Arne slept on the couch while Debbie and i slept on the bed.

I awoke to an empty apartment the next morning. I got dressed and went downstairs where i was greeted by Debbie and Bruno.

"Y/N pleaseeee watch over the dogs while i go into town to grab something" Debbie handed me a list

"I'll be back soon" Debbie said as she walked out. Bruno got wasted within minutes of debbie being gone. He tried to get me to dance with him but i denied, he didn't like it. He "accidentally" slapped me and kept apologizing afterwards. I sat on the porch, refusing to be anywhere near him unless debbie or arne were here.

A little while later Arne's truck pulls up. Relief fills my body as i stand up but then worry consumes me as i see a pale Arne. He's sweating like crazy and his eyes are darting around the place. Either he just did five lines of coke or he was crazy. I ran up to him and examined his face.

"Arne are you sick?" i asked as i felt his burning hot body

"I think so- i don't feel good y/n-" he only began talking but Bruno burst through the door with a beer in his hand. He spread his arms out as he pulled Arne in for a side hug.

"So i think it's time you fix that radio of mine" Bruno said

"Bruno leave Arne alone" i said as i tried to push his arm off Arne's shoulder

"Cmon sweetheart join us" Bruno grabbed me by my waist

"You're drunk." i stated as i tried to wiggle out of his grip

"Bruno leave her alone" Arne pushed Bruno back. I immediately stood behind Arne, for once i was grateful that he towered over me. Arne's hair was an absolute mess, his eyes that once used to be a deep shade of brown became a black hole now. His veins popped out more than usual, and they looked peculiar.

"Hey man just fix my damn radio" Bruno threw the beer can on the floor as he stumbled over to the radio. Arne glanced back at me, i gave him a reassuring nod. He turned around and walked over to Bruno.

*cue call me by blondie 😩*

Arne's POV:

I felt like vomiting. The music was echoing in my head. Bruno grabbed me by my shirt and slid me a beer. I stared at the can, not wanting to drink it. I felt like i have a fever of 110 degrees. i looked around for y/n but i couldn't focus. Voices were coming from places i wasn't even aware of. Everything was becoming a haze, it felt like an acid trip gone wrong but only there's no end. I stood up trying to get away from Bruno. My mind was eating at me, the knife poked my from within my pocket, almost as if it was telling me something.

I stumbled away from Bruno and let out a sigh. I turn to see y/n dancing with Bruno. It sent a state of rage throughout my entire body. His hands on her... my hands are supposed to be there. I stared, unable to move. The voices got louder, it's like everything was slowing down, everything except the music. The music just sounded like it was going further and further away from me. I felt like i was being pushed back as something stepped forward inside me, my body ached.

"Y/N.." i muttered. I ran into the kitchen, actually ran is inaccurate. I stumbled, practically crawled to the kitchen. I leaned forward to get closer to the tap so i could splash water on my face. The cold water hitting my face felt like a moment of solace. But only a moment. It all came flooding back, worse this time. My head throbbed. The room went dark. I gasped as i looked around. A red window appeared in front of me. I fell backwards, too confused to get up and run i slid backwards. The whispers got louder and closer while the music went further and further away. Suddenly a figure emerged in front of me and began charging at me. I wanted to get up but i couldn't, i had no more control. The music was gone now.


I looked down at my hands that were drenched in blood along with my shirt. I turn around to face the cop. I look up at him, "i think i hurt someone."


Y/N's POV:

I went upstairs to grab Arne medicine when suddenly music started blasting, I sighed for i knew Bruno must've forced Arne to fix his dumb radio. I went downstairs ten minutes later.

"Arne i got you-" i gasped, "ARNE" i yelled as i dropped all the things that were in my hand. I see Bruno laying on the floor bleeding immensely. He was still alive though. He spat out blood as he pled for his life. Arne put his arm in the air and brought it down with speed, and repeated it. He kept repeating it. Bruno's stomach was nearly torn apart. Arne looked like he bathed in the blood. The floor was drenched from Bruno as his body floats in his own pool or blood. Arne turns and looks at me with the same look from my nightmare. His eyes fully white, his veins popping out. Arne got up and walked past me as if he didn't see me standing there.

Was this another nightmare?

I wish it was.

I looked down at Bruno who was practically gutted alive. He was facing me with his lifeless eyes, his skin loosing color as the seconds pass. He was just so still, so empty. One last tear drop escaped his left eye. I let out a low sigh, tears filled my eyes. I realized what had just happened, i sprinted for the phone and called the cops.

"Forgive me.." : Arne Johnson Where stories live. Discover now