Chapter 2

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( Heyyy itz me agian!!!!! This chapter may/or may not be sensual. ;) Itz a turning point and there will be more characters introduced. Enjoy . Sorry if it sounds boring lol. There will be a lot of hints in here about the ending so just hold on tight and pay attention.)

   I couldn't beleive it. The new boy likes me... ME. It was 2:59 p.m. I could not stop shaking my leg. I was so nervous, and yet so excited. I was daydreaming about what might happen. Kissing?More? I couldn't contain myself

The bell rang. I swam through the sea of students and into the parking lot. There he was. He was leaning against his car with his hands in his pockets. He spotted me. He smirked a look you only see in those cheesey romance movies. "Hey beautiful." He said opening up the door for me. "How was fourth block?". "Boring as hell." I said. "Well I couldn't stop thinking of your cute face all day", he said while turning on the car. "Where are we going?" I said. "We are going to my happy place,".

We drove down a beaten up dirt road. He pulled over and stopped the car."so ramantic." I said sarcastically. " it gets better". He chuckled. There was an opening of trees that had a trail that winded down a hill. The forrest was black as death. 

  He held my hand gently,"you ok?" he said with his perfect concerned face. "I'm fine, what is this place?". "This is my happy place! Come on, I wanna show you something." We got out of the car and the wind blew like a tornado. I felt free. He grabbed my hand and we walked down the treacherous path. I couldn't see my own hand in front of my face. I heard owls in the trees. everything was so dark and scary.

  Suddenly there was a bright light. It struck me like a bolt of lightening. Everything was blurred and I felt disoriented. It was just starting to clear up when I noticed Romeo was not at my side. I looked behind me, there was an opening in the mossy trees where I must have came through.

  The area I was in was about as big as a football field, if a footbal field was a perfect circle. The grass was so green it almost looked neon. There was a large pond in the middle of the area. It was soo clear it looked like a large mirror. The trees were so tall I could barely see the top.

  "Woooooohoooooo! Geronimo!" I heard in all directions. I seen Romeo running in his briefs towards the pond. He lept in and a huge splash was released. It got quiet. Is he hurt? What will I tell everyone? I slowly crept up to the pontential death threat. The birds stopped chirping. It was as quiet as death.

  "Got yaaaaaaa!!!!!!" He lept out of the water and yelled. I fell backwards flat on my back. I was pinned underneath his soaking body. Our noses were touching. Kiss me you fool, I thought. What are you waiting for just take my body. "Bet you were scared, huh ?" He said with that immensely attractive smile. "Well of course I was, I thought you were dead." I said panting. His buldge was getting more volume. I felt a rush that I never had felt before. His lips pressed against mine. They were soft and dreamy. I felt his tongue enter my mouth. The feeling was amazing.

  He suddenly stopped. We stared at each other for an eternity. "Julio," he said. "Can I ask you something?". "Of course". "Do you believe in love at first sight?". His brown eyes looked like a little puppy as he started me down. "Yes" I said. He got up off the ground and helped me up. I was wet now and cold.we walked to the other side of the pond where he had left his clothes." You get to see a free show baby" he said cheesing. He pulled off his briefs. His ass was very ruined and tan like his body. He turned around and faced me. He raised his left eye brow and winked. His cock was at least 8 inches long, it was tan and his pubic hair was cut into a neat triangle. "You like what you see?" He said with a sexy grin. " why wouldn't I?" I said in a staggered breathe. "Well you can have this  later. He said as he put on a new pair of boxers.

  After he changed his clothes we left and went back to his car. The was a black mustang parked directly behind his car. "Oh shit" he mumbled. "Baaaaaaaae I'm back!!!" A very flamboyant voice came from the woods. I turned around to see a skinny and better dressed boy come out. He was wearing a black pea coat and he wore black skinny jeans. "Oh this must be you're driver." The annoying voice said. "Hi Lucas" he said with an almost smile.

  There was a long awkward pause. I started at Lucas like he discusted me. "Here put my Gucci bag in the trunk." He handed me a 100 pound black and gold bag. I just started at Romeo. He has a lot of explaining to do.

( CLIFF HANGER!!!! That is the new character I was talking about. Hope you liked it!)

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