Chapter 3

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(Guys I know the last chapter was shitty but I promise this one will not be as dull) 

  Sitting in the back of your presumed to be boyfriend's car is hell. Well, not hell, hell is a lot better. They were talking for thirty minutes and catching up on good times. Lucas. His name gave me a bitter taste in my mouth. He was this little bitchy twink that had a LOUD ass voice. "haha Romeo stop it", he said while touching my man's shoulder. "You're too much Lucas", Romeo said with a huge ass smile.

  The car was pulling in my drive way when i heard Lucas's annoying ass snort. He had a nasely voice that was worse than hearing nails scratch a black board. "OK, Julio I'll call you later," Romeo said. As I got out of the car I could not help but to burst into tears and say "Don't even bother!" I ran into my house sobbing. I slung my my door shut. Luckily, no one was home yet so I could cry in peace. I heard the rain on my window sill. It was my only friend now. I seen the little water droplets seperate from each other and all I could think of was Romeo. This is what You get, Julio, for trusting someone. Just stick with what you know... Books. Books before boys I always say. I hated this feeling. Regret. I regretted ever laying eyes on his beautiful face.

  I heard the phone suddenly ring. I got up and slowly walked to the annoying ringing sound. It was Romeo. I waited for the ringing to stop. Then his voice mail began: Julio, I am so sorry for today. Let me explain. Lucas is my cousin. He calls everyone bae. I haven't seen him since my mother died. I am rich so almost instantly he thought you were the Help. I explained to him everything. I really like you so please don't leave me.. 

  He hung up. I felt the weight of my stupidity on my shoulders. I didn't even know his mother died. I have to call him back. But, what do I say? I picked the phone up and dialed his number. "hello?" he said. "Hi" I replied. "Look I'm sorry" we both said at the same time. "No, I'm sorry, I should't have been so damn jealous. Lucas isn't THAT annoying. If he is your family than he is mine too." He began to giggle. "Imagine how I feel. I had to deal with that for half of my life!" He said while laughing. "I can't wait for school tomorrow." I said. "Me too" he said


  It was cold and dark in the Galavante Mansion. Lucas was walking down the spiral staircase. His parents had gone to a Better Business Convention for the weekend. The windows illuminated the dark and empty parlor. There was broken glass all over the floor. He could just barely see it. "Probably that damn cat again", he said with a mumble. "Always breaking stuff." Lucas was a very prideful and brave boy. He had to be. His parents were never home so he had to learn to be loud and stubborn. He heard a rustle by the vase which had a fern placed in it. "Whiskers? I told you to quit breaking mummy's vase's. Now she will be very upset."

  He walked to the vase with confidence and aggrevation due to the broken vase he had to clean up. The little orange persian hopped right out and ran away. "WHISKERS! God Damn it!" He stopped his way to the butler's suite. "Brookes, I need you to put the cat outside", he said to the door. "Brooke's I know you're in there." He opened up the door. The man was laying in bed. Quiet as could be. "ok now Brookes we pay you NOT to lie around and sleep. When we tell you to work, you-" He pulled the covers off and found Brookes' eyes were wide open and he was in a pool of blood. He had been stabbed in the throat. The blood was still warm. HE was still warm.

  Lucas began to shake and fell to the ground. "Brookes". Brookes had basically been a father to him. He had always been there for Lucas ever since he was 3. 

  Suddenly he heard Whiskers growl and hiss. Footsteps were walking down the spiral staircase. Lucas panicked and went into the closet. There were shutters on the doors so he could see out but no one could see in. Hard footsteps were walking along the hallway behind him. There was more than one person. He heard a deep and familiar voice say, "We got the old man, now where is the faggot?". They were looking for him. He panted hard and started to tremble. The footseps grew closer and closer.

  A shadow emerged from the hallway. He forgot to close that freaking door. The door began to rock back and forth and began to squeak. "maybe he's in here", one of the voices said. The shadows grew closer until all Lucas could see were three staggering figures. There was one scrawny male, One short and fat male, and one Brawny male. The Brawny one's head could touch the ceiling almost. Lucas closed his eyes and did something he never thought he would have to do... Pray for his life. "Dear God, I know I am a disappointment to you. But please forgive me and protect-" In a flash the closet door was opened and he seen a pair of mean and merciless eyes in front of him.

  "What do you want?" Lucas muttered. "I want to get rid of the vermon that has infested my town". The Brawny one said. He was wearing a skull bandana over his mouth. He grabbed the frail Lucas and flung him on the bed with Brookes. " I will end you tonight!" the brawny man said. The vigorously tied up Lucas's hands together along with his feet. They applied duct tape to his mouth. He tried to scream for help but no one came. They put ducttape on his hamds as well so he could not grab anything. 

  The fat one had a jug of gasoline with him. He began pouring it all over the room. Every corner, Erery peice of furniture, every appliance in the room was soaking with gasoline. "Nighty night ", the scrawny one said laughing. The brawnt one flicked a match to ignite and said," may God have mercy one your soul." He through the match into the gasoline and he closed the door. All lucas did was sit there and he gave up. The room began to be hotter and hotter. The burning was excrutiating. The last thing he remembered before he died was the way his tear felt when it rolled down the side of his cheek.

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