Chapter 5

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  ( I loved my little twist at the end of chapter four. I hope you guys did too! Ok this chapter is all about Layla. Enjoy.)

  Even though her hands and legs weren't cold, Layla still shivered as if she were freezing. But, that's what always happens when she snorts her pills. It's been three weeks and everyone has forgotten her. Her mom, her best friend, everyone. It's not like anyone well miss her if she overdoses.

  She layed there. Motionless. She found an abandoned factory building near the library. The librarians even forgot about her. And she was always there, reading, helping out with sorting books, tutoring young elementary school kids. Suddenly, no one need her anymore. She felt useless.

  She counted the cracks on the pavement floor to pass time. Time felt like her only friend. It never left her, never questioned her, and above all, never forgot her.

  There was a faint dragging sound outside the building. She got up to look. It was dark outside so all she could see were shadowy figures dragging a large black bag.

  All she could tell was that the people dragging the bag. The bag stated to rip a hole in the bottom. A motionless leg feel out. Layla gasped and almost screamed. The three figures pulled out what looked like a corpse. It was too dark to see who it was until one of the figures turned on a lantern. It illuminated a small circle from where they were standing. She could finally see them clearly.

  There was a tall and skinny man with golden hair.    He was wearing a sleeveless denim shirt and and blue jeans. Then there was a short fat man who was wearing a white tank top with black grease stains on it. Those two were blonde. The third man was a giant, muscular man with a thick black mustache and slick black hair. He was standing there lighting up a cigarette while the others handled the body.

  All she could tell of the body right now was a boy with dark brown hair. He wore a tattered up white shirt with a rainbow on it and pajamas. The boy began to stir. He wriggled and opened and up his eyes. And that's when Layla realized that he was a boy from her school who had gone missing a year ago.

  His name was Arthur but everyone called him Dex because he was a nerd. He came out of the closet and that's when the bullying started. His father left him and his mother payed him no attention. Layla wondered why he was in a bag. There was a pile of sticks next to him in the shape of a pyramid. The fat man pulled out a small bottle of something and poured it over the sticks.

  The brawny man was talking to the boy and the boy finally realized what was going on. Layla could only hear indistinct voices. The brawny man pulled a cross necklace out of his shirt and put it on the boys neck. The man closed his eyes and it almost seemed like he was praying.

  After he was done talking, he threw his cigarette onto the pile of sticks and they went up in flames. Arthur's eyes widened in great fear. The skinny man pulled out some duck tape and covered the boys mouth, while the fat man tied up his arms and legs. The boy began to struggle. He was breathing very hard.

  The two men grabbed him and picked him up while the brawny man watched. The brawny man poured the gasoline all over the boy's body. The two men then through the boy on the open fire! He shook violently as black smoke emerged from his burning body. The duct tape came off his mouth and he let out an eery yell.

  He cried and asked for help but the two men stared and almost laughed at his burning body. Layla slowly backed away in horror and disbelief of the scene. She slipped on a wet puddle and fell backwards on her back. She hit up against an old rusty machine and it made a loud clank.

  She quickly got up and seen that the three men were looking at the window straight into her eyes. They looked furious. She quickly ran into the back of the warehouse looking for a place to hide. She fount a corner with a very large desk in front of it. She quickly ran behind it and crouched. It was almost pitch black in the warehouse and it was silent until she heard a door open from where she had came in from.

  "Is there anyone in here?" A very deep voice said. She heard dragging and footsteps. She began to lay flat and accept almost imminent death. She could see feet walking around. "Hello?" Another voice said. "Clause I think they left out the front. The door is open." A nasely voice said. "Then we'll lay the body here where it won't be disturbed. If they had any sense they wouldn't show back here." A deep voice echoed. She heard a loud thud and in a flash she seen a pair of blue eyes staring at her.

  The footsteps began to soften and she heard the door slam. The face of an innocent young boy was staring at her with a frightened expression. His skin was peeling and it was  singed. His hair was gone and his clothes were steaming. She slowly stood up to see the body and when she couldn't take anymore she bolted for an exit.

  Tears were in her eyes. She ran down the old dirty road from which she came. Couldn't get those eyes out of her mind. She felt helpless, useless and terrified. She wanted to call the cops but then they would find out that she was sniffing cocaine. She had no where to go. But, she could tell Julio. That was her only option.

  (Hey guys hope you liked it! I wanted to make Layla a more important character because she means so much to me because she reminds me of my own friend Trevia. Layla might have her issues but she can always save the day, just like Trevia. Hope u liked it guys xoxo)



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