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Jaemin is 20 years old.

Xiaojun is 21 years old.

Jaemin has two younger brothers,
Haechan and sungchan.

Haechan is 19 years old.
Sungchan is 18 years old.

Xiaojun has two younger brothers as well, chenle and shotaro.
They're both 5 years old.

Jaemin is the first son of King Johnny and Queen ten.
His both parents are Alphas and the ruler of the xxx city.

Xiaojun is the son of yuta.he have two is his real mom and the second is his step-mom.
They're all betas except his step-mom.

Jaemin and his brothers are hiding their identity because of their parent's enemy.
No one knows that they're even born.
So they have a basement to live in but normally a basement looks dirty and rusty but theirs looks like a palace.

So neat and beautiful and made of marbles.

Something happened to xiaojun when he was young but his parents are hiding it from him.

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