first big fight

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kinda angst/at the end fluff
„" -you
‚' -kakashi

no one's pov

You and your boyfriend got in a fight. Usually every couple gets in little fights, right? But this time it was different. It started with a small argument, which got bigger by minute and you two were basically yelling at each other.

You two normally have a really healthy relationship, giving enough attention to each other, always caring, looking out for each other and having little fights which always got quickly forgotten.

You would have never thought that a little argument like this would go this far. You two never yelled at each other or anything. But then, he said something which he regretted immediately afterwards, but you already got attached to it, not be able to forget these words.

„Why did you even made a big thing out of this little argument, this shit is so unnecessary!"

‚Why do you give me the fault now, don't act like you weren't a part of it!'

You were so out of breath because of yelling the whole time, you just rolled your eyes and turned your back to him.

‚Maybe this whole relationship thing was a mistake after all, I shouldn't have confessed to you.'

Silence. There was just, silence. You were practically freezed and couldn't move. His words replied in your head.

Maybe this whole relationship thing was a mistake after all, I shouldn't have confessed to you.

He realized what he just said. He tried to apologize, but you didn't let him.

‚Please wait I didn't want to say that it just ca-'

„I don't wanna hear it anymore, don't even dare to go after me."

He tried to grab you by your arm to stop you from going, but you slapped his hand away.

„And don't you even dare to touch me."

Packing your things, you left his apartment and slammed the door.

He knew you would just get angrier if he had followed you. He didn't know what to do. He didn't know how to apologize this time to you. He didn't know how to make it up to you. His thoughts filled up with how he could apologize and make you forgive him. He was confused, he still didn't know what to do. The best option was to wait till you come back home, the real question was, will you ever come home back?

You came back home late at night, you probably thought Kakashi would still try to apologize, which wasn't the case. The whole apartment was silent, only your footsteps were able to hear. You stopped infront of the bedroom you share with Kakashi. You heard soft snores. You opened the door, facing a sleeping Kakashi, who was hugging a pillow, his eyes slightly red.

You felt bad. Very bad. But you couldn't blame yourself, everyone would have reacted like that, right?

You sat next to him, admiring his face. You just felt more guilty only looking at his face. You placed your hand on his cheek, softly caressing it.

After a few minutes he woke up, seeing you. He instantly got up and hugged you tightly, apologizing many times. He realized you didn't hug him back, so he tried to get of off you, not wanting to bother you anymore. But you just hugged him right away, him doing the same.

‚I'm so sorry, please I didn't want to say that. I don't even know why I said it, it just came out because i was so angry and-'

„Please calm down, I'll forgive you. This is how a relationship works, right?"

‚Yeah.. but still I shouln't have said that.'

„Your right you shouldn't, but maybe there is a way how you could make it up to me."


„I just want some tea for both of us and later cuddle together, nothing else."

‚Are you sure? Isn't that-'

„Do you want me to forgive you?"

‚I'm already on my way miss'

You chuckled at his words and gave him a kiss.

You two learned from your mistakes and knew in future how to handle big fights, without risking your relationship. At the end of the night, you both fell asleep together.

to be honest i almost cried while typing this, idk don't call me weird or something but only by imagining that hurted me sm lol. anyways, i hope you enjoyed, i'm open for suggestions!

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