❪ two. ❫ supernatural entities

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the warrens and garcias were well known. of course, they would get millions of questions about, 'do you actually have the real annabelle doll inside the warren house?', 'how do we know you aren't frauds?', 'are all spirits in every place they researched evil?'. constant day after day, reporters will follow up with the warrens and garcias, asking for interviews, researching on their homes, etc. after a while, it became rather annoying, especially for judy warren and daniel garcia, since they were kids and the kids at school, along with their parents would be real annoying and filled with a bunch of questions for the kids, even though the kids had nothing to do with the adult's research and cases.

"we keep everything locked down here," ed warren explained as he and kennedy volunteered to share with one of the news reporters.

"yup, feel free to look around, but, i would highly recommend to not touch anything," kennedy told the man, as the man looked around the room, where they keep all the supernatural and cursed items from each of their cases.

"wow...this is crazy. so, all of these are taken from cases you've investigated?" the man asked.

"that's right. everything you see in here is either haunted, cursed, or has been used in some kind of ritualistic practice. nothing's a toy," ed explained, as the man looked at the children's toys on the shelf.

"even that toy monkey there...some cases, instead of attacking adults, they attack or use the children. it's because they're more weaker, more purer than most adults are," kennedy added.

"correct," ed nods towards the girl.

the reporter cleared his throat, "isn't it scary or...doesn't it worry you to have all these items in your home?"

"that's why we have a priest to come back at least once a month to bless the room, but, the way i see it is that it's safer for these things to be in here either than out there. it's kinda like keeping guns off the street," ed told the man.

"why not just through them in an incinerator?" the reporter suggested.

"that will only destroy the vessel. sometimes it's better to keep the genie in the bottle," ed explained.

"say...uh, is the annabelle doll here?" he asked, as ed and kennedy shared a look.

"right this way," kennedy nodded, leading the two men deeper in the big room. 

making their way more in the room, they came across the doll inside a glass cabinet, with a sign that said, 'warning: do not positivity open!'. the reporter only sighed.

"you say that she's a conduit...what does that mean?" the reporter asked, pointing towards the glass.

"well, a very powerful demonic has latched itself onto her," kennedy explained.

"so, when you guys investigate these hauntings, how do you stop them from latching onto you?" he asked, which kennedy thought was a pretty good question.

"we have to take great precaution," ed told him.

"but, what about your wife?" the man asked.

"what about my wife?" ed asked.

"well, father gordon told me that-" he tried to say 

"that was different. what happened to my wife, happened during an exorcism," ed explained.

"what's the difference?" the reporter questioned, before the three heard a noise, causing kennedy's heart to race.

the three turn to see something moving, behind the cabinet.

"excuse me," ed said, before walking over to see judy warren, giving kennedy a sigh of release.

"honey, what are you doing? come here. you know better, alright?" ed said, as kennedy walked over.

"i'll take her, ed," kennedy offers as she took judy's hand taking her back into the living room.

"did you touch anything?" kennedy asked.

"no," judy replied.

"good, it's dangerous down there, jude," kennedy told the girl.

"i know..." judy nodded.


"fear is defined as a feeling an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat. fear is brought into by the presence of danger. weather it's ghost, spirit, or entities...they all fear on it," ed explained, presenting their cases to multiple people who came to the interview, along with drew, kennedy, and lorraine.

"take maurice here," ed started, as drew fixed the camera to show the video he recorded of the exorcism of maurice, "he's a french canadian farmer and had nothing more than a third grade education, but, after he was possessed, he spoke the best latin i've ever heard, but this time backwards. he had been molested by his father who also torchured him repeatedly. the dark spirit made a home in this man," 

"now, if you look, in his eyes, you can see him tearing blood," lorraine added, as she pointed to video where she was wiping off maurice's tears of blood with a rag before he drops to the floor. drew and kennedy shared a look before continuing to listen to the warren lovers, "and like that, an upside down cross started to appear on the right side of his body," 

"alright, drew, you can hit the lights," ed said, as drew ran to turned on the lights, revealing almost everyone in the room with their hands up, causing ed to react with a surprised look.

"did you personally perform the exorcism?" a brunette girl asked.

"um, no, i'm not authorized, but, i've assisted on many. see, an exorcism can be very dangerous and not only for the victim, but, for anyone in the room," ed replies, as ed and lorraine both share a look.

"what happened to maurice?" the same girl asked.

"well, he tried to kill his wife, but, he shot her in the arm and then turned the gun on himself. maurice had a very troubled life with little to live for and not even an exorcist bring him back. which brings us to the three stages of demonic activity," ed spoke before revealing the green chalk board with three words written on it.

"infestation, oppression, and possession," ed read, "the infestation. that's the whispering, the footsteps, the feeling of another presences. which ultimately grows to oppression, the second stage. now this is where the victim and the one's who most likely phycology vulnerable is targeted specifically by an external force. breaks the victim down, crushes their will, and once in a week in state, leaves them to the third and final stage, possession," 

ed and lorraine continued their interviewing and presentations for a while more along with drew and kennedy. finishing up their presentation and most of the people started leaving, drew and kennedy were the last ones to finish packing up.

"hey, um, i was wondering if you'd like to go out sometime with me," drew suggested, as kennedy looked up at the boy and slowly smiled and nodded her head, "um...yeah, sure," 

"great, maybe-" drew started before being interrupted. 

"um, excuse me..." they heard a voice as the duo look to see a woman, "do you work with ed and lorraine warren, the couple that was just talking,"

"yeah, we do. is something wrong?" kennedy asked the woman.

"i think so. i think there's something wrong with my home that's effecting my family," 

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