❪ four. ❫ the perrons

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drew and kennedy made their way inside the house to see ed and lorraine seated at the table as ed rewinded the tapes he recorded back at the perron's household.

"it's weird," ed stated.

"what's weird?" kennedy asked.

"carolyn's voice didn't record," ed replies.

"what do you mean?" drew questions.

"here listen," ed explained, as he played back the tape to only ed talking as he paused it, "see, nothing. the whole time, but, did you find anything, lorraine?" 

"lots, it's no wonder they are going through what they are," lorraine comments, passing kennedy and ed pictures and papers, "that's the original farmhouse. it was buildt in 1863 by a man named judson sherman, who was married to a woman named bathsheeba. ed, she's related to mary towne estey, she was one of the women accused of witchcraft in salem, she was hung in the trials. after bathsheeba married judson, they had a baby and the baby was only 7 weeks old when judson caught her doing a sacrifice in front of the fireplace,"

"wow..." ed breathed out as kennedy and drew listened to lorraine's research.

"she ran out by that tree by the dock, climbed up, proclaimed her love to satin and cursed anyone who tried to take her land and hung herself. time of death was announced at 3:07 in the morning" lorraine said, as kennedy breathed out, "oh my gosh," 

"well, that explains a few things," drew said.

"yeah, and so does this," lorraine added, showing off a picture of a woman and boy on one side and a baby on another, "her last name is walker, she lived there in the 30's she had a boy named rory who mysteriously disappeared in the woods, then she killed herself in the cellar. and that's not all..."

lorraine then gathered a map of the land of the perron house, "so it was an original 200 acre farm and has been sub-divided and sold off. there was another boy who drowned in a pond here, and her lived in a house here. and a woman who work as a maid in an neighboring home, she committed suicide, too. 

"the people who took her land...all were cursed and died," kennedy breathed out as the recording started to play on it's own. continuing ed's talking, instead of carolyn becoming silent, the four heard growling, screeching, and crying instead. they turn to see the time, 3:07 a.m.


"geez, this place is creepy," drew comments, as the team drove up to the old house.

"i've seen worse, but, this is definitely top 5," kennedy spoke.

opening drew's van, the group gathered the things that were need, which was nearly everything in drew's van, kennedy saw a car pull up behind them.

"oh, there's brad," lorraine said, as a man came out of the car.

"find it here okay?" ed asked, as the man replied, "oh, yeah,"

"drew, kennedy, this is officer brad," lorraine introduced.

"officer brad hamilton, harrisville, rhode island pd," the man introduced, looking at the house.

"nice to meet you, man," drew nodded, eating a cookie, "so, you're the lucky new cop, yeah?"

"i guess so," brad replied.

"you know you can't shoot ghost, right?" drew comments.

"hey, take it easy on 'em, drew," ed told him as he chuckled.

"'kay come on, help get this stuff unloaded," ed ordered as everyone moved into the house.

"hi roger," lorraine smiled, as roger, the father, opened the door for the team.

"thank you, sir, i'm kennedy and this is drew," kennedy introduced.

"please, call me roger, nice to meet you," roger nodded.

the group continued scattering around the house, setting up cameras, crosses, thermostats, bells, things that would be triggered by ghost, and a bunch more extra stuff found in drew's iconic blue van. kennedy and drew continued this work as they shared small glances, smiles, and laughs.


"put your arm flat on the desk," kennedy heard as she turned to see drew talking with the oldest daughter, andrea, "and take it off, and here," drew started to talk to the girl and explain what the uv light is and does. kennedy found a bit of jealously inside her. 

"oh, yeah, it's groovy," andrea smiled at drew as he gave one back, as kennedy felt awkward being there, standing there, fixing a camera, watching the boy she was crushing on flirt with another girl, before she heard a voice.

"kennedy, kennedy, come here! come play with me!" she heard april say, as both drew and andrea look her way, watching april drag kennedy away, leaving drew feeling odd.

kennedy stopped when she heard a door open and she turned to see a door open, she then put april behind her as she noticed lorraine and carolyn on the other side of the hall. the team watched as they heard a toilet flush, revealing brad as everyone glared at him.

"really, brad?" kennedy sighed in relief.

"what? i had to go," brad explained.


"what's in the bottle?" roger asked, as ed opened a bag with more crosses and a bottle.

"it's holy water," kennedy explained, stuffing her hands in her pockets, entering the room.

"the presence of religious icons will trigger anything unholy. sort of pisses them off. so, i set them through each part of the house to see if i can stir things up a bit," ed added.

"like holding a cross to a vampire?" roger questioned.

"exactly, but thing is that i don't believe in vampires," ed smirked.

"i do," kennedy huffed, "have you seen diane keaton, meryl streep, goldie hawn?" 

"right? that's what i said!" brad comments, as kennedy slightly laughed.

the group then hear a small bell ring, causing them all to share a look, before hearing a door creak open, causing the camera to react by taking a picture with the flash on.

"get the camera," ed ordered.

"alright, it's 9:18 and i'm heading to the cellar where the door just opened on it's own, with lorraine, and officer brad are with me," ed said to the camera, as they all continued to walk down the stairs with kennedy watching from the door, making sure it doesn't close on them. 

after a while ed, lorraine, and brad all came back up, before the door closed on it's own, almost hitting carolyn, who backed up right before it slammed into her.

"for a guy who doesn't believe, you seemed a bit freaked out when that door slammed shut," drew comments, eating an apple, as brad sat next to him, drinking his coffee, and with kennedy on the couch next to them, reading a book, chuckling at his comments, but stopped when she realized she was still jealous of him and andrea.

"it must have been a draft," brad said, as kennedy chuckled, "yeah, sure, brad,"

"that's funny," drew added, as brad looked at the clock, "i believe the clock...it's 3:08," 

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