Chapter 1

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Sometimes I can't believe how one small things to lead to such a huge impact in life. If I hadn't been student body president of my old high school, then I never would've met Charlie and Lorraine. Which means that I never would've offered Lorraine a ride home on that first day of school, which lead to me being the nanny for the Bakers kids, which lead to me dating Charlie, which lead to an engagement.

Oh yeah a lot has happened over the last two years, and I had the ring on my finger to prove it.

Oh yeah a lot has happened over the last two years, and I had the ring on my finger to prove it

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As I relfected on all of the amazing things in my life, my train arrive in Evanston.  I got a full scholarship to the University of Wisconsin in Madison, and Charlie was going to Illinois Tech while working at my Uncle's Auto shop. It would be a bit stressful at times but we made it work.

"Rosie!" I heard Charlie yell as I got off the train to meet him. The moment I saw him I ran into his arms and he spun me around while kissing me like they do in cheesy rom-com movies. "How was your train ride." he asked me as he put me. "It was good, I'm so glad I get to be in your arms again." I told him as we grabbed my luggage and made our way to his car.

"Everybody's really excited to see you." Charlie told me as he helped me into the car. "You didn't tell them yet did you?" I asked him as I put my engagement ring on my long silver chain necklace to hide it. We decided to wait and tell everyone about our engagement together. "Don't worry, they're still completely in the dark. But I was thinking that maybe we could tell them all at Lorraine's graduation party today." He said as he got in the car. "Wouldn't that take attention away from Lorraine?" I asked, not wanting to take any attention away from my best friend. "Don't worry, if anything Lorraine's going to be pissed that she didn't know before everyone else. She's going to be excited." Charlie said, and he was right. Lorraine was 100% behind the idea of Charlie and I being together even before we confessed our feelings to each other. "Okay, let's do it. But we should hurry or else we'll miss her graduation." I told him. And just like that we were off.

Admittedly, we were a little late. But we thankfully made it to our seats with the rest of the family just before Lorraine's name was called. And the Bakers being the Bakers were the loudest and proudest family present. Right after the ceremony was ended Lorraine found her way to us and gave us all hugs. "I can't believe you made it." She said as she hugged me. "There's no way I'm missing my best friend's graduation." I told her as she let me go.

Later, we were all at Lorraine's graduation party. I was sitting with Lorraine, Nora, and Nora's husband Bud catching up on all of the things I've missed while I was at school. Nora even let me feel her baby kick. But all the while I was bursting with excitement to see everybody's reaction when Charlie and I make our announcement.

"Alright, alright. It is time to toast the graduate." Mr. Baker said as he and Mrs. Baker made their way to the stage. "Lorraine, we are all so proud of you for keeping your chin up and charging the mountain. and for being a truly unique and wonderful person. And for getting that internship at Allure magazine. Did you know about that." He said in the speech, and that's when I knew it was about to get real awkward, real quick. "Even though I'm going to spend the entire summertrying to convince you the staying in Chicago is better for your future than moving to dirty, expensive, crime-ridden New York City, but here's to Lorraine!" And the most awkward grad speech given by a father award goes to Tom Baker everybody. 

"Okay, my daughter Nora and her husband Bud would like to say something. And our future line backer." Mr. Baker said as he and Mr.s Baker made their way off of the stage. "First of all, congratulations, Lorraine. Bud and I hope our baby will be as cool and accomplished as you are. And second of all, I don't mean to make this toast all about Bud and I, but we have some kind of big news." Nora said and the handed the mic off to Bud. "I just got offered the vice-presidency at a new advertising firm." We all started to cheer for their news until Bud added..."In Houston. We're moving in September. Thank you." And with that, Nora and Bud made a hasty escape from the stage.

It was a little awkward, but the party still went on. Needless to say that Charlie and I agreed not to announce our engagement, due to the both of us feeling that his parents wouldn't be able that take any more change than what was already thrown at them. But we did speak to them a bit before we left.

"Time for me to get my hands dirty." Charlie told his parents as we made our way over to them and kissed his mother on her cheek. "What, you're working? What about the game? It's a rematch against the cousins, come on." Mr. Baker said as he tried to entice Charlie and I to stay. "I've got student loans to pay off Dad." Charlie told him. "And I need to go home and spend some time with my parents," I said. "Ok, I'll see you both later." Mr. Baker said. "Be safe, honeys." Mrs. Baker called out to us as we were leaving. 

"Did you tell your parents you dropped out of school yet?" I asked Charlie once we were safe enough away that they couldn't hear us. "Not yet, I was thinking I would tell them after we announce our engagement, to soften the blow." Charlie said, and it really wasn't a bad idea. "Ok, I can't wait to see their faces and my parents faces when we tell them that we're getting married, and that you're opening your own auto shop. I think they're going to be really happy for us." I said. 

We were so excited about our plans. Now we just needed a way to tell everyone.

(Hey guys. So here's the first chapter of my first ever sequel. I hope you guys liked it and I hope you like what I have in store for the rest of this story. Catch you next time. TTFN, ta-ta for now!) 

Love to Last a Lifetime : A Sequel to Love With Staying forWhere stories live. Discover now