Chapter 5

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Rosie's POV:

The camping was fun for a little while, but eventually, all the Baker kids, Miguel and myself all decided we wanted to the comforts of the great indoors and went back inside the house for the night. And since Mr. Baker and Kate were still sleeping outside, it gave Charlie and I the perfect chance to sleep together. (Just sleeping, not like we can do much of anything house with a packed house.)

In the morning we were woken up to someone barging into the room. I was only a little relieved to see it was Mark. "Two things," he started, "Mom and Dad are awake and getting ready to come into the house." That sentence alone was enough to wake us up and get our asses out of the bed. "What was the other thing?" I asked him. "We're all having brunch over at the Murtaugh's house at noon." Mark said. "Thanks for the news update Mark, we'll be ready shortly, bye." Charlie said as he pushed his little brother out of the room and shut the door again.

"I love it when we we get to share a bed." I told Charlie once the door closed and I started to get dressed. "Me too. But between us," he said as he walked up to me, still shirtless might I add. "I can't wait for when we get to do more than just sleeping in the bed." "Down boy, everyone's right outside that door."  I told hime, even though I was thinking the exact same thing. 

Once we were all dressed and ready to go, we made our way over the Murtaugh's house, which I learned was called the Boulders.

Miguel's POV:

Once we were all dressed we made our way over to the Murtaugh's lake mansion. And when we got there, I could see why the kids wanted to spend all of their time with their new friends. Hell, I wanted to spend all my time there. 

"Welcome to the Boulders." A woman, who I assumed was Mrs. Murtaugh said as she and her family came outside to greet us. And let me tell you something guys, this lady put Stifler's Mom to shame. 

Everyone came together and greeted each other warmly. Gunner decided to greet Mrs. Murtaugh a little too warmly, from licking at her cleavage to kicking her down and dry humping her. Not that I could blame him. Mr. Baker and Mr. Murtaugh went to work getting him off of her, meanwhile I saw Rosie quickly cover Kyle and Nigel's eyes. 

But what really caught my eye was the beautiful blonde who was staring my way. She had on this blue skirt, white tank top, and a cardigan that matched her skirt. I couldn't even focus on what anyone was saying, other than something being said about some dining set being a gift from the king of Thailand. I must've been staring for a while, 'cause the next thing I know I'm being smacked upside my head by Rosie. "First bikini girl, now Mr. Murtaugh's daughter? What is it with you and blondes this summer?" she asked me. "Hey give me a break we can't all be lucky enough to marry our high school sweethearts." I told her. And if I was being honest, I was kind of jealous of her and Charlie. I really did want to have what they have.

When everyone was going off to hang out before we got to eat, Mr. Baker walked up to Mr. Murtaugh with a paper bag. "Jimmy, I almost forgot." "Oh, Tom, for heaven's sake you didn't have to do this. Sparkling Cheesehead?" Mr. Murtaugh said as he read the label of the wine bottle he was gifted. "Wisconsin's finest bubbly." Mr. Baker said. "Oh, I bet it is. Might have to let this baby age about 200, 300 years, Tom." Mr. Murtaugh said, leading the two patriarchs to fake laugh at each other. 

"Superstar, do me a favor and take this down to the cellar and bring us up a nice bottle of Taittinger." Mr. Murataugh asked of his gorgeous blonde daughter. "Sure", she said. "I'll give you a hand." I told her. What can I say, I'm a gentleman. 

Rosie's POV:

I was gazing upon the house with Kate as Mrs. Murtaugh led us through the house. "How come you guys haven't built your own house up here?" Mrs. Murtaugh asked Kate. "Oh, well with 12 kids, you got to use the money for food and water." Kate told her. "I bet if Tom kept that job at Illinois Poly, he could've built a place like this. Oh well, life's full of choices, some good, some not so good." Mr. Murtaugh said, sounding more and more like a jackass as he spoke.

Love to Last a Lifetime : A Sequel to Love With Staying forWhere stories live. Discover now