Chapter 4

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Rosie's POV:
During the start of the vacation, Mr. Baker transformed into Mr. Fix-it. Or rather, Mr. Wreck-it.

He tried to fix one of the toilets, it somehow caused the faucet in the kitchen sink to bust when Nora and I were washing the salad mix for lunch. He tried fixing the dock while Kate (since announcing my and Charlie's engagement, she insisted I stop calling her Mrs. Baker since that would soon be my last name), Kyle, Nigel and I were on it, and the next thing we know we're drifting off further from the shore. We tried calling out to him but he was too busy listening to his music and shaking what his mama gave him.

He tried fixing the tire swing, but when he tried it out himself  it snapped like a wishbone fell down and took him with it.

But the craziest thing to happen, and I swear I'm not making this up, was when he took a suction cup arrow off the muzzle of a moose head and somehow it cause the ropes that were suspending an old canoe to snap. I still don't know how to explain that one.

Miguel's POV:

Vacationing with the Bakers was definitely an experience I didn't know that I needed. Being out at the lake helped me to lay back and wind down. Aside from when Mr. Baker tried to fix things up of course. But being on vacation with everyone really made me think about all that I missed when I was away.

I was currently helping Mr. Baker set up some tents for all of us to have a camp out later in the night when the younger kids came back from hanging out with their friends. "Get bored already?" I asked Sarah as she walked by me. Normally they would be there till it was almost dinner time. "No. It was cool. We're going back after study time." She said. "Hey. You guys are making time for you studies. I'm really proud of you." Mr. Baker said. "I hate to be the one to break it due you Mr. B. But, I think she was talking about the Murtaugh kids." I told him. "Miguel's right Dad. Mr. Mutaugh forces all the kids to read and write for two hours, every single day." Sarah explained. "Lame." I said as I stared in the direction of the other house. "I know." Sarah said in agreement.

Once the sun was setting we all got our stuff to sleep in our tents. For Lorraine it meant bring one of this rolling fold up cots to put in her tent. "That's not gonna fit in your tent, Lorraine." Mr. Baker tried to tell Lorraine. "Oh, I'm gonna make it fit, Dad." she told him with utter determination, and it took so much within me to not make a dirty joke. Admittedly she got it in there, it just happened to be a very tight fit. (Must not make dirty joke, there are kids present.)

Rosie's POV:

By nightfall we were all gathered around the campfire and making s'mores. I was between Miguel while roasting marshmallows. "Any luck on seeing your dream girl yet? I mean besides in your actual dreams." I said to him as I got ready to place my marshmallow directly into the fire. "One more word and I tell Charlie all about your crush on Scott Wolf." He threatened with a Cheshire grin on his face. "At least my crush had a face and a name. You're basically in love with a with a wet bikini backside with a tattoo." I said as I pulled my marshmallow of the fire and blew it out. Only for Miguel to swipe it and eat it. "Gracias prima." He said with a mouthful of marshmallow, so gross.

"Dad, how come those guys know how to camp so good." I heard Mike ask as he looked at the Murtaugh's house across the lake. Personally I thought it looked more like a fancy schmancy barbecue than a camp out. 

"Hey, why don't we sing one of the old tunes." Mr. Baker suggested, wanting to keep the good time. Once we all agreed, he led us all in a sing along of "Michael Finnegan". It was all going great until the Murtaughs decided to do their own sing along of "Will the Circle be Unbroken", and while they had some nice vocals going on over there, I really wanted to shout how they shouldn't be singing a song that's for funerals unless someone just died.

Next thing I know, Mr. Baker and Mr. Murtaugh were basically having their very own battle of the sing along, which got real old real fast not to mention was really exhausting.

(A/N: Guys, please don't hate me! I still plan to finish this book, really I do. It's just that between life, work, and my other fan fictions, sometimes I just get really exhausted and need a break. But I don't want you guys to ever think I've abandoned you. Knowing that you enjoy my writing and are looking forward to my updates is what keep me going. As always I'll see you in the next update. TTFN, ta-ta for now!)

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