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Ziari POV: Nothing has changed.. My grandmother is still sick, Keyvon and I are still "talking" but it's like.. he doesn't flirt with me anymore, he takes long periods of time to text me back, he doesn't try to link with me anymore or anything.. I feel like I'm losing him..

Keyvon POV: I hate this, I hate myself, Ziari happiness is in my hands right now he even told me that. I love him but I don't know.. I feel like I'm pushing the kid away and I don't want to do that.. I wanna keep him here with me even if we're not together, that's how much I care about this him..

It was time for their basketball games. Keyvon had a game, and Ziari had one as well.
"Good morning baby, i hope you do good at your game today.. Turn up for me" Ziari texted.
"Fasho! I got you. Good luck cheering today do good" Keyvon replied

Keyvon POV: This is why I fuck with Zi.. Though he claims I hurt his feelings a lot, he doesn't switch up on me. I needed that this morning, I needed that boost.. Zi is a true real one"

After the game, Keyvon went home and got in the bed, Ziari went out with some boys from the basketball team and some girls from his cheer squad


Keyvon woke up, he laid in his bed staring at the ceiling thinking about Ziari. All he could think about was the first night they started texting and Ziari asked him to not hurt him.. Memories started flashing back in his head, he started thinking about things they talked about, what they did in his room. As he was thinking hardly of Ziari, he received a text from him..

Ziari POV: Is it okay to say I love him?... I never tell a guy that first, I wait till he tells me.. Only because I'm afraid of being rejected and i've never had that happen before, but I wanna tell Keyvon I love him because I do.. I really do.. So I texted him asking "do you love me?"

Keyvon POV: I guess if you think about someone hard enough they appear.. Ziari just asked me something that I was contemplating on saying. "Do you love me?" he asked.. Lately I been wanting to tell him I love him but I felt like Ziari was starting to hate me in a way since I haven't been showing him enough "love".. this is my chance though. I replied with "Yeahhhhhh"..

Ziari POV: He said he does.. I told him I loved him too.. but I do wanna be told that every day, at random times at that. I miss getting princess treatment.. So I said "i Love you too.. if you love me then start telling me that a lot" I said

Keyvon POV: He wants me to tell him I love him all the time.. I get that, but is he gonna do the same for me? I need somebody to tell me they love me too.. "You gotta do the same tho" I texted.. We agreed on it..

Saturday, Ziari went out with his 4 friends on the cheerleading team to the park, went out to eat, they went to walmart and played inside there as well. Ziari had to speak at a church later that night so after spending time with his girls he went and chilled with this other youth pastor (Jeremiah, 21) since he was taking Ziari to his service. Ziari had an armor bearer but he had Covid at the time, so Ziari was left with having the youth preacher Jeremiah to be his guard that night. Jeremiah and Ziari sat on the couch, Jeremiah kept flirting with Ziari causing Ziari to feel very uncomfortable .

Ziari POV: I don't know what this nigga issue is but i'm not liking it... I miss Terrance, Terrance is my guard and armor bearer. I need to text my baby and let him know what's going on, we have each other's location already but I'm gonna send my exact location to give him a sign i'm not feeling well..

Keyvon POV: Ziari let's me know he feels uncomfortable, I don't even play like that for real. Yeah I'm a secret but I would lose my mind if something happened to him real shit..

Ziari wasn't expecting what was going to happen later that night...

Keyvon POV: 2:30 in the morning, I'm playing the game listening to King Von. When all of a sudden.. Ziari texted me, I ignored it at first cause I was playing the game so I couldn't read it.. But then he texted me again, something had to be wrong..

Ziari POV: I was laying down in my room when all of a sudden I heard my mom rushing down the hallway crying and yelling, she busted in my room yelling "Grandma died, she died" I immediately broke down.. My mom grabbed her keys and left, I don't know where she went but she left.. I texted Keyvon repeatedly cause I needed him.. Jamari was staying with his teammate that whole weekend, so I was left at the house by myself right then..

Keyvon POV: His grandmother passed.. I know she meant a lot to him.. My heart dropped, I don't like to see Ziari like this man. He needs me so bad right now and I don't wanna fail him.. I gotta do something risky, but shit I'll risk it for Zi..

Keyvon turned his game off, put his crocs on and walked out his room. He couldn't believe what he was about to do. He saw his dad car keys on the counter, he slowly grabbed them. He then thought about it.. He's not the type to do that, he wasn't even going to risk taking his dads car. His dad would kill him. Keyvon had one option left.. Walk. He put his jacket on and walked out the house silently and walked 30 long minutes to Ziari house. He knocked on the door. Ziari opened it.
"How did you get here?" Ziari said with tears rolling down his face.
"I walked... but that doesn't matter" Keyvon said then walked in

Ziari POV: I can't believe he walked this far to see me.

They went in Ziari room..
"Talk to me.." Keyvon told him
Ziari shook his head.
"She's gone Keyvon.. She- She isn't coming back" Ziari said before bursting out crying.
"Shh shh come here" Keyvon said. He hugged Ziari tightly and allowed Ziari to cry in his arms.
"It's okay" he whispered.

Keyvon POV: I don't like to see this side of my baby.. Shit.. I meant I don't like to see this side of Zi.. Well.. He still my baby man.. See? I'm confused bro.. But that doesn't matter, I love him and I'm here for him.

Keyvon took his jacket and Crocs off and laid down in the bed with Ziari.. This was his first time laying in bed with a boy, Ziari bawled up. Keyvon looked over at Ziari. Keyvon wrapped his around Ziari and cuddled with him, holding him tight.
"It's okay.. I love you" Keyvon whispered.
Ziari continued to cry silently till he fell asleep.

Hours later- Ziari fell asleep in Keyvons arms, Keyvon didn't sleep at all. He saw that it was getting light outside and knew it was time to go. He slowly got up outta the bed. He put his jacket and crocs on.
Ziari slept peacefully, Keyvon bent down and kissed Ziari on his forehead and walked out his house. He was trying to walk fast enough to make it back home in time before his parents woke up. He made it back in safety. That's when he got in the bed..

Keyvon POV: I just can't believe what I'm doing.. never in my life have I ever felt this way about a boy before.. Never ever.. But Zi is something different, I don't think a relationship right now is meant for us however he isn't going anywhere, I gotta stick around

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