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A week later
Keyvon POV: It's finally football season, the season I been waiting for. Football is my passion, basketball is cool and all but football is my therapy, it keeps me sane. I think that dick must've calmed Ziari down cause he's been a good mood ever since, no fussing, no complaining, the vibe just been here.

Ziari POV: Lately Keyvon has been amped up about football season, I wanna make sure he's all set and ready for his season. I wanted to go all big for him, though he's keeping me a secret from everyone, I still wanna go big for him.. I wanna get his number and put it in my review mirror, I wanna be the one to get him a gift bag for his game day.. I just wanna show him I love him and appreciate him.. but I need to know where we stand first and foremost, we didn't just have sex on Valentine's day but we made love. I wanna do all this for him but I don't want to overplay my part at all.. Lately I've been feeling like I'm not good enough for him, he gets so mad when I say I don't feel good enough for him. If I'm good enough for you then.. Why aren't we committed?.. He's so confused about himself, It's like one minute we're together and the next minute we're not.. I just don't want to overplay my part at all.

Keyvon POV: My first game is this Friday and I couldn't be more happier. It's what I've been waiting for. Lately I've been trying to not think about what happened on Valentine's Day only because this is a big week for me, yeah it was cool but I just want a stress free week, Ziari continues to mention that he doesn't feel like he's good enough for me and it pisses me off because he is in fact good for me, it's just .. Hard.. But I don't want him thinking that way, honestly I hope he doesn't catch feelings for me based off what we did on Valentine's Day. It was a "in the moment" thing.. Nothing more, nothing less.. I shouldn't have done that knowing I'm not fully ready to be committed to Ziari anyways.. Silly me.. However, you only live once.. I can't take what we did back.


It's Keyvons big day, he wakes up to a game day paragraph from Ziari. He loved it, however he had to get his day started. Ziari couldn't make it to Keyvon's game because he had to cheer at another football game.


  Ziari knew it was time to ask Keyvon what did they have going on, he texted him.
Keyvon POV- Ziari sends me this long message about how he's starting to like me again and he wants to know what are we since we had sex and this, that, and the third.. We're nothing but FRIENDS.. I should've never fucked that night.. He's talking about how I give him relationship energy, which I sometimes do in a way so I guess I need to cut that out.. I gotta let him know once again right now isn't the time. I don't think I can settle down with him.

Ziari POV- I'm hurt that he feels this way..  I just let this dude hit.. But we're just friends? This ain't over..

The whole day Saturday was filled with nothing but back and forth between the two. Sunday was even worse, Ziari asked Keyvon if he could go over. Keyvon said yes. Ziari went over and went in.

"What the fuck is your issue bruh?" Keyvon asked
"What you mean? You're the one who hurt me! I didn't hurt you! I didn't break your heart, then you come fuck me and then next minute we're just "friends"? Really Keyvon?" Ziari yelled
"Man listen I already said I'm sorry a thousand times and it WONT HAPPEN AGAIN! Damn man stop rubbing that shit in my face you do that shìt a lot it make me not even wanna talk to you for real" Keyvon said angrily. Keyvon hated when Ziari rubbed the fact that Keyvon broke up with him in his face, he felt like a really bad person.
"Listen.. If you gon keep bringing this up to me and talking about it there's no point of me even talking to you, Ion really like how you keep bringing this shit up to me it's annoying me, I wasn't ready ok? I know that. I shouldn't have hit you up knowing I wasn't ready, I KNOW THAT!! Just take my apology please? Stop bringing this shit up bruh it's passing me off" Keyvon added.
"Okay and? I'm the one that's hurt I can't express myself?... Also nigga you think you're slick, I saw someone post you on their Instagram.. Thought you ain't have one, you one sneaky lying mother fucker Keyvon.. I don't even know why I put up with your shit".
Ziari said while shaking his head. His leg started shaking.
"Man what? You trippin I don't even be on Instagram like that!"
Keyvon yelled
"NIGGA THAT DOESN'T MATTER! I asked you twice and you said NO! Plus, I accidentally viewed your story and you decide to block me?! Are you kidding me? What are you hiding Keyvon?!"
Ziari asked
"Man you might do through my  followers and shit, that shit is weird"
Keyvon goes.
"Are you kidding me right now? You think I'm that type of person?! Nigga nobody care about your corny ass followers anyway" said Ziari
"I was gonna unblock you anyway" Keyvon said while twisting his dreads
"Nigga you lying!!! You should've never blocked me in the first place! Probably fucking with other bitches anyway" Ziari said
"Bro I don't even fuck with anyone and STOP CALLING ME A LIAR I DIDN'T LIE" Keyvon yelled
"Yea you did Keyvon! I asked you did you have one and you said no twice!... See this is why.." Ziari said frustratingly
"This is why what? Nah say it" said Keyvon.
"I can't deal with a liar, I'm done" Ziari said.
"Man how many times I gotta tell you I ain't a fucking li-..." Keyvon yelled, he jumped at Ziari and Ziari flinched hard as if Keyvon was about to hit him.
Keyvon jaw dropped..
Ziari eyes started to tear up, the room got silent..
"Zi.. Did- Did someone used to beat on you?" Keyvon asked..
Ziari's tears rolled down..

Keyvon POV- I can see the hurt and fear in his eyes.. I didn't mean to do that at all...

Ziari POV- I was physically abused before, I was raped, I had a DL ex that bullied me and even fought me in public to protect his secret.. I'm terrified of stuff like that.. That just brought back so many memories that I don't wanna relive.

"I'm- Im so sorry come here.. Come here Zi" Keyvon said. He hugged Ziari tightly
"I wasn't gonna hit you I promise.. I'm sorry" Keyvon added.
Ziari cried in his chest..
"Listen, listen.. You don't have to worry about me putting my hands on you ight?... Or anyone else at that, you're safe with me.." Keyvon told Ziari.

Keyvon POV: Ziari can't even look at me in my eyes right now man.. This shit hurts... I was frustrated at the fact he kept calling me a liar when I'm not..  I don't even get on Instagram so I didn't think it would even  be that serious.

"Ziari look at me.. I love you and you mean everything to me.. I promise.. Nothing is gonna happen to you.. Not while I'm around..  I promise. I'll never do that to you.. You believe me?" Keyvon asked..
Ziari couldn't take what was going on nor could he even look at Keyvon in his eye.. Ziari grabbed his purse and walked out. Keyvon went after him
"Ziari wait bro.." Keyvon said.
Keyvon grabbed Ziari..
"I'm sorry.. I love you, you mean everything to me" Keyvon said.
"You hear me? Tell me you love me too!" Keyvon added..
"Keyvon.. I gotta go" Ziari said before pulling away from Keyvon, getting in his car and driving off.

Keyvon POV: When I see Ziari I see someone that's been hurt a lot of times, someone that's been cheated on, hurt, played with, taken advantage of.. I just wanna make him happy, I'm trying to be the best person I can be to him but he won't allow me to bruh.. I'm doing everything I possibly can to put a smile on his face, he just won't appreciate my friendship.

Ziari POV- It's a reason I act the way I act and why I trip the way I do.. Keyvon doesn't know me, he doesn't know what I've been through, he doesn't know what I'm currently going through.. When he jumped at me it just.. Broken my heart.. But his words "I love you and you mean everything to me" stuck with me cause that's what I've been needing to hear.. I love him too.. and he means everything and I mean EVERYTHING to me as well..

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