Flowery Groceries

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Summary: All the friends hang out (friend dynamics). More sarcastic, joking, happy Raven

"Are you two going to play, or are you going to make out the entire time?" Raven jabs at Octavia and Lincoln, who are practically making out on the couch next to her, as she puts down her card.

Monty, who is next groans, and Jasper pats his back with a grin, "It's okay, man. We may not be good at cards, but everyone knows we bring the real goods." His smile only widens at his thinly veiled joke, slinging his arm casually over his best friend. Monty glances at him and then shrugs, smiling his small and quiet smile.

Octavia snorts, finally putting some distance between her and Lincoln to answer, "If you mean weed brownies and moonshine? Yeah those got banned from Lexa's dinner parties a long time ago."

"Hey at least we're not Raven who brought explosives",Jasper retorts.

"Don't pretend you didn't enjoy the firework show", Raven answers with a roll of her eyes as Lincoln tops Jasper's card. Clanging sounds in the kitchen and a laugh from Clarke and Lexa lets everyone know that it's just a sickeningly happy couple messing around in there while cooking their dinner. No big deal right? Worst that could happen is that they don't get food.

Lincoln smiles a little, falling easily into their banter, having been accustomed to Octavia and Raven's group of friends much longer than Luna and even Lexa had. Anya, who is situated nearby on an armchair with her legs crossed and pretending to read a magazine, tosses a glance there way. "You should be careful, Luna. Don't get too close to the chemist or she might blow you up."

Luna can't decide if it is just her or if Raven has really been leaning closer and closer throughout this entire exchange, and now she feels like Raven is almost on top of her. She isn't sure why she almost wants it to be a deliberate move on Raven's part. It should irk her right?

"First, I am not a chemist. Second, there are many ways for me to blow a woman like Luna away", she smirks, twisting to look up at Luna through her lashes in a way that Luna has never seen before. Luna blames it on Raven probably being tired from her responsibilities and helping to set up this gathering. Surely it must be that. Sure, Luna has seen brash, annoyed and hotheaded Raven. She's seen the nice and kind Raven. She's even seen Raven breaking down. This Raven, however, makes Luna want to squirm in her seat, and makes it hard for her to keep her face neutral. Don't get it wrong, she doesn't scowl or glower like Lexa, she just isn't as expressive as others are.

Luna has to gulp and will herself not to blush at the insinuations as Raven continues her sentence. "I could definitely use these hands on more than mechanical parts. I'm so good with parts, I'm pretty sure I could make her explo-"
"EW- RAVEN- NO-", Octavia interrupts loudly, absolutely disgusted and making exaggerated gagging noises.

"Well I didn't need to have that mental image of one of my best friends", Clarke quips in, standing there and blinking as if trying to get the image out of her head. "I was going to tell all of you that dinner is ready, but if we're going to discuss sex life..."

Anya immediately lunges to her feet. "No thank you. I do not need to know about any more my little sister's sex life thank you very much!"

Of course, everyone bursts out laughing, because that implies that Anya already knows more than she should about Clarke and Lexa's sex life. Luna can't help but be relieved to have had Raven interrupted. She's not sure she could take the full force of Raven unashamedly flirting with her. In fact, she's so unsure it runs around in her brain. So much so that she almost doesn't notice everyone getting up to go to the table. She really didn't notice until Raven turned around and called over her shoulder, "You just gonna sit there?"

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