Chapter 11

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Note: This chapter is written to Anson Seabra's "Welcome to Wonderland". Please note that a so-called "life sentence" is actually 15 years of prison.

Raven wishes Luna were here. It doesn't matter if Luna doesn't remember her, it doesn't matter if Luna lied. In the end, she's still the same woman with the kind heart, who would probably let Raven crush her hand and not say a word.

Instead she lays there as the doctors cut her apart and pull her baby out. Too early, too soon, before she's even ready.

Then as if a fairy god mother has heard Raven's thoughts, the door crashes open. Everyone's heads snap up. The doctor and nurses momentarily raise their eyes, slightly offended at the intrusion. A haphazard Luna stands in the door, as if she pulled on the scrubs in about five seconds. Her chest heaves with every breath, and her beautiful chocolate brown eyes roam the room and zero in on Raven. In that moment, between the pain of contractions, something passes between them. It is the undeniable pull of attraction. Luna is by her side,holder her hand as if to anchor herself and the now trembling Raven. Raven crushes Luna's hand in fear, Luna doesn't even utter a single sound. Instead she pushes Raven's hair back and presses a kiss to her sweaty forehead.

Then a shrill cry breaks the silence of the room. Raven looks to see Luna grinning at her like she has accomplished the most amazing thing in the world (as she should, childbirth is a feat). Half the nurses are fussing over the baby and the others are attempting to fuss over Raven, sewing her back together so that her insides aren't hanging out. Raven pays them no mind, with only eyes for Luna.

Their staring contest is interrupted as they wheel Raven to the recovery room. Luna steps away from the gurney. By the time the nurses have locked the bed and deemed Raven settled in, Luna steps back in with a bouquet of flowers, scrubs now gone. She places them on the bedside table so that Raven doesn't have to bother with them.

A small bundle gently handed to Raven by a nurse, smilegently adorning her features. She looks down to see the small, wrinkled face of her baby. Luna reaches her finger out to the baby as if to touch it, but hesitates at the last moment. To their surprise, the baby reaches out with tiny fingers and attempts to grasp it. It's as if Shaw knows who his other parent is instinctually.

"This is so tiring. When we're both done recovering, I'm getting my tubes tied", Raven complained with a huff, although she is grinning. The entire room laughs. Luna is relieved to see Raven's quick sense of humor return so quickly after the operation.

Luna's lips quirk up in amusement and leans forward to kiss her on the forehead. "Whatever you want, my love. It is your body and we already have a beautiful child."

A glance at the clock reveals it is a little past 4am already. Luna hadn't even realized she'd been running that long. The hospital was too far from the boardwalk. On a normal day, Luna would not have the endurance or conviction to run that far. "Hey it's 4am."

"Shaw was born at 4am. Luckily not on a bench. I would've just given up if I had to do that." Raven wrinkles her nose at the thought.

She shifts Shaw so that he's resting in the crook of one arm. Then she tugs at Luna's sleeve with her free hand until Luna relents, sitting half of her bottom on the smidgeon of bed leftover.

Raven grins in triumph and let's her head fall to her shoulder. The silence is comfortable, the window showing the dark night outside. Crickets were probably chirping, but inside the room, it was quiet as Shaw shifted and burrowed himself deeper into the blankets.

"I'm sorry",Luna starts to apologize softly.

"Don't ruin the moment. You couldn't control it",Raven answers shortly. She feels Luna nod in response as her curls move against Raven's head. They enjoy the quiet until the doctors and nurses come bursting in again as the sun starts to rise and Shaw wakes up crying hungrily.

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