Horny Mistakes

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Summary: No, this is NOT an NSFW chapter. Calm yourselves. Now, without further ado we have the kiss you have probably ALL been waiting for.

Beginning Note: So, this fanfic is coming to an end in three more chapters. I know the seamechanic community is rather small, and although I will continue to have seamech on the side in my Clexa fanfics, if you have a seamechanic prompt that you want to come to life, contact me, comment below, anything that will reach me, and I will be more than happy to write it and contribute to the seamechanic fanfic collection. :)

Luna has never walked around in a grocery store talking on the phone before. She had always found the people who walked around on the phone rather ignorant. Yet here she was, doing exactly that.

"Make sure to get the unscented lotion next time", Raven reminds over the phone. They had discovered that the scented lotion was certain to ruin one's nose.

"You said extra-scented? Got it",Luna answers with feigned misunderstanding. She knows the joke has hit home when laughter as beautiful as windchimes on a calm summer day sound through the phone. Despite her jest, she picks up the unscented lotion, recalling exactly how Raven had spent half the day bent over the toilet bowl after smelling the scented one.

She can practically hear the eye roll in Raven's voice, "Well if you want to spend another half a day with me in the bathroom, be my guest."

Luna's heart clenches despite knowing that Raven is joking. Nobody should ever need to question their worth. "I got the unscented one, but I would spend any amount of time with you." Some part of Luna needs Raven to know that she's not just an obligation. Luna wants to be there for her.

The silence that follows unnerves Luna. What if that was too much to say? Her mind is an internal conflict of the angel and devil until she almost forces a laugh of, "Just kidding." Raven beats her in breaking the silence by a millisecond. "Just come home. The kid misses you. He keeps kicking."

Just like that, all of Luna's apprehensions have melted away and her heart is soaring. She can't help the smile that spreads across her face as she assures Raven that she's on her way back while hurrying to the checkout. Luna does not plan on being a liar.


Every night Raven settles into Luna's arms and they'll turn on the television in the bedroom. Raven has no idea about Luna, but she herself does not pay attention to the television in the slightest. It's obvious Luna doesn't expect her to either because she always murmurs this manta in Raven's ear, "Ai giv ai op, gon nemiyon, kom lanik-de."

It is an odd change because she has always found herself bored without something to tinker with, but when Luna is around there is nothing else that could steal her attention away. It doesn't matter that she doesn't understand the language at all, as she's sure Luna wouldn't have the slightest clue what she was saying if she spoke in Spanish.

Luna refuses to walk with Raven to the boardwalk despite Raven's most valiant protests, so their late night talks on the boardwalks are gone. Raven has verbally noted this change once or twice, and Luna only gives her a small smile, knowing that Raven isn't truly upset about it. Luna would listen anytime, any day. It's not like Raven has much to complain about other than being out of work.

They have gotten so used to each other that even Octavia and Clarke don't bother to text Raven when they're coming over. Instead, they call Luna because they know she'll always answer the phone and ask, "If we come over right now, we won't see you two with your hands all over each other right?"

To which Raven always protests loudly until Clarke and Octavia hang up with a promise to come over within the next hour. Every time Raven apologizes profusely to Luna for her friends and their rude jokes, but Luna just smiled understandingly at her. Sometimes she even tells Raven that she's jealous that has friends who she's close enough with to joke about things like that.

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