Chapter 22: Yay Me!

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I don't think I've ever been so scared in my life. When I heard her scream I was ready to kill whoever was hurting her. Then I see her on the floor with the others starting to surround her. When she tells me Aurora Is coming, I'm completely confused so I ask who Aurora is. Too late do I realise I let them know I can hear her. I'm sure they don't know what sentry's can actually do! What gifts we have. But I'm hoping with the situation, that they forget. Or I'll have to make them forget. When no one answers me I shout

"WILL SOMEONE TELL ME WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!" Luckily the witch answers all my questions. Which is weird considering all the others are being hostile and threatening towards me. Like fuck am I leaving her when she's like this. When I'm told she has a wolf and dragon I'm floored. How and why does she have both? I thought the shifters were either one or the other! When she cries out again, I'm about to go into her mind and take some of her pain when she screams. And I mean a long, drawn out, blood curdling scream! 

The next thing I know there's a huge white fucking wolf. She's the biggest one I've ever seen. As she finally regains her balance she looks at everyone and I swear her fur is illuminated with a blue glow. She then looks at Zander and no word of a lie the blue glow changes to orange. He asks her if she wants to go for a run and she yips in excitement and jumps, then rubs herself over the others and again her colour changes. It flashes between red and green and a darker blue. 

She then leaps at me, which I wasn't expecting, so knocks me to the ground. Red seems to be prominent when she's on me but flickers a rainbow of colours. I wonder what the colours mean! Then she fucking licks me and I laugh. She's so playful. She doesn't take her eyes from mine and when Zander, or his wolf anyway, commands her to leave me, she lets loose a growl. I can't see Zander to see what happens but she stops and licks me again before she sprints off into the forest. Damn she's fast. I jump up and dust myself down, watching the place I last saw her. 

"She won't be back for a while. Last time this happened she was out of it for some time!" I turn to the witch and reply 

"What makes you think I care?" Fuck I don't want to hide it but she seems to want it that way for now so I'll respect her wishes. To a degree. I do like to goad her.

"I'm just making small talk! Fancy coming back to the house for a drink? Or you can go? But we can discuss what you think so far or just get to know one another" I want to see her get back safely. Fuck! Iv never cared about this sort of shit before, it's new and strange. But he's given me an excuse to go round. I'll just have to put up with it till I know she's back safe and sound. Plus I guess I need to get used to them.

"Fuck it! I've got nothing better to do. But you sure the others aren't going to mind? Not that I actually give a fuck!"

"It's my house too and they will have to get over it. They can always go to their room!"

"Fine, lead the way then" I gesture for him to go. He chuckles and starts walking out of the Arena and I follow.

Over the next few hours, while we wait, we all get pretty buzzed. I find they are alright guys. They are aggressive to begin with but eventually sat and had drinks with me and Caleb. I found that I actually have a lot in common with them. But they still glare at me every now and then and come morning they will be back to aggressive when she's around. It's about midnight when Zander comes towards the house, carrying her. I stand wanting to see if she's Ok for myself. They're both completely naked, I guess they had nothing to change into. When he sees me stand up he pulls her tighter into his chest to hide her from view as he snarls

"What the fuck is he doing here?" Here we go again. This guy needs to chill the fuck out.

"Chill the fuck out dude! I was invited. And not that I really care, but why do you have such a problem with me?" I ask

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