Chapter 23: Until Next Time

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When I wake up, I feel like shit. I have Sebastian plastered to one side and Dravon on the other, I'm feeling hot and bothered and need to pee. I climb out of bed and do my business. When I come out I stand and watch them sleep, debating on whether to get back in bed and sleep as I'm still feeling exhausted or go get some food. When my stomach rumbles loudly that kinda decides it for me.

I go to the kitchen and grab some OJ and make some toast. I've just sat down to eat it when my phone buzzes. I pull it out to see who's texting me this earlier 

Declan: Hello my mate. How are you? I'm just making sure we're still on for this evening? I'd like to take you to dinner, get to know eachother better. Have a little alone time. When should I come to you?

Is it just me or does it seem so…. Impersonal! Every message and every phone call is the same. It doesn't make my heart flutter or fill me with excitement. I'm still not sure which one is trying to trick me. My heart is telling me that Tejus is legitimately my mate, my head is telling me it could be a lie! who's to say he isn't also the trickster messing with my bond and feelings towards Declan. I wish I knew what was right and wrong when it comes to the bond. Should I trust my heart or my head?

Me: yes we're still on. Looking forward to it (not!) Let's say 6 as I have training first and that will give me enough time to get showered and changed. And though we will have alone time. I don't think I'm ready for that yet! But I'll see you soon.  

I won't be sleeping or mating with either of them! I should keep them at arm's length, no sexual activity at all! Who am I kidding! All Tejust has to do is look at me and I'm a wet mess. If he touches me I'm a fucking goner! I'm dying to have him buried so deep I can't walk straight! Oh my goddess! Did I seriously just think that?

"Yes, princess. You did!" Startled by his close proximity, I start to topple backwards on the stool when he catches me. I look up at him, my face getting redder by the second. Then he leans in and whispers 

"I love knowing you want me buried deep inside you." He nips my neck and fuck me, this is exactly what I mean. I'm so wet and he's barely done anything. 

"Tejus. Stop. One of my mates could…. Oh goddess… walk in any second." I moan as he keeps kissing and nibbling up my neck

"Don't worry, princess. I'd know before they got close. And I am one of them!" He seals his lips to mine and I run my fingers through his hair, tugging him closer. Without breaking the kiss he sits me up and turns me at the same time then steps between my legs. He reaches one hand down into my panties and swipes a finger through my soaking wet folds. 

"I love how fucking wet you get for me" He growls and the vibrations go straight to my clit. So much for my fucking control. Removing his hand, he sticks his fingers in his mouth and moans. Then spinning me to the table I sit there looking at my toast that's now fucking cold thinking what the fuck. I'm about to turn around and ask him when I hear

"Stop staring at her, you creep. I told you to stay away from her." Zander growls. I turn and act surprised 

"What's he doing here?" Zander comes over and kisses me. Then rolling his eyes he says

"Tejus has been invited to stay with us! So just stay out of his way." He grumbles and snags my toast while taking a bite. He pulls a face and says

"That's cold." 

"Wait, wait, wait! He's staying here? I don't know if that's a good-"

"Our fathers orders, I'm afraid. So none of us have a choice. I tried, trust me. Why do you smell aroused?" He asks curiously 

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