Chapter 45: Do You Feel It?

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After walking out the door I decided to go back quickly. 

"What are yo-" I grab her and dip her down into another kiss, making her giggle into my mouth. Fuck she drives me crazy.  I don't want to leave her right now but I need to get this out of the way. She breaks the kiss, wincing and putting her hand to her head. 


"I'm fine. I just have a headache or something. Go." I don't think she realises she's doing it still but sometimes she says things out loud and sometimes it's in my head. 

"You can always reach me now, no matter how far. So if there's anything, anything at all. You call me OK? I'll be beside you as fast as I can." 

"OK. Miss you already" She smiles. And I think man I'm a lucky bastard to call her mine.

"Love you" another quick kiss and I really leave this time hearing 

"I love you" I get out the front door and dissipate to Decan's territory. I walk through the double doors and he's nowhere to be found. So I shout

"DECAN!" A few minutes later he comes out of a door to the right

"No need to yell. But I told you to stop turning up without warning me first. What do you want? Have you completed your task? Are you ready to transfer the bond?" He asks casually.

"No. And I'm here to tell you to stay away from my family, especially her. I can and will stand against you to protect them. Just stop this now. And I won't tell the others of your plans."

"And why would I do that? I told you from the start, she's mine. I've been after her for 30 odd years now. And an Insect like you will not stand in my way! Why do you all of a sudden care about keeping her safe?"

"Just fucking stay away Decan. She's not yours. She's-"

"Don't tell me you've actually fallen In love with her!" He mocks me 

"Just stay away from her Decan. I mean it" 

"Oh for fuck sake. You have, haven't you?! I paid you, Prince, to trick her into thinking you were her mate and with your gifts it should have been easy. I need her away from them all and you to transfer your fake bond to me. THAT'S WHAT I PAID YOU FOR!" He roars 

"I don't care and I won't let you trick her. I won't let you anywhere near her. Stop this now. It's over. She's mine and I won't let you touch her." 

"Did you manage to mate with her" he asks in a low and sinister tone 

"Thats none of your busin-" 

"I wonder how she will feel when she finds out that you tricked her. That the bond is false. You betrayed her trust when it wasn't so easily given. " 

"You wou-" 

"Oh but I would. I had plans for her since I knew of her conception. She is the power I've been craving. She will make me invincible. I won't let you, her mates or anyone else, stand in my way. I had enough of that with Alpha Thomas. I'll kill you all if I have to. Starting with YOU!" 

I have to keep it together. I can't let him know she's my true mate, he could use that against me or her. I have to protect her from him. I need to get more information.

"Who is Alpha Thomas? And what's he got to do with anything?"

"Well I paid him to find her In the first place. He was supposed to bring her to me on her 31st birthday. But he took liberty's with what was mine and decided he wanted to keep her. I let it slide with him to begin with. But you. You're not leaving here if you think you will stop me. I can now see you were the wrong choice. You are just the strongest of your kind and had the skills I needed, but never mind. I already have my plan B in the works. She will be mine" He says with a sinister smile 

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