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Rosé's p.o.v

Here I am, in my class, sitting next to a sleeping  y/n, idk how she can sleep in almost every class and still manage to top. I rested my chin on my palm with the table supporting my elbow and stared at the sleeping beauty in front on me. How can someone be so perfect. Her beautiful Hazel eyes with those long eyelashes which makes them look more sparkly, her perfect pointed nose, and her thin soft as rose petals lips, which I wanna kiss every second, her perfect shaped eyebrows with the scar on the right one which makes her look so sexy, her straight brown hair that rested perfectly on her shoulders.

I noticed that I was so busy staring at her that I didn't realized that the class is already over. I softly shook her and she slowly opened her eyes and saw students leaving "ah the class is already over?" I giggled before nodding "I'm still so tired" she whined like a kid and put her chin on my shoulder. I poked her cheeks and she looked at me like a lost tint puppy. Omg I'm melting please-

"can we please just skip the rest of the classes and go somewhere? I'm too sleepy already and I can't take those boring classes, and if I get caught sleeping then detention is a big no" I shook my head while she pouted and looked at me with her pleading eyes and ofc me being me, how can I resist her so I agreed and she started squeeling like a baby which made me smile. We packed our stuff and left the campus and walked out to her car. Idk where she's taking me tho but I didn't budge. After sometime, we arrived to a skating place. Wow I love skating~ but the problem is, I'm terribly bad at it.

Me and Y/n walked inside and we got our skates. Y/n made me sit and she kneeled down and helped me put on my skates. Aww such a girlfriend material- uh no you saw nothing

She put on her then got up, extending her hand towards me and I gladly take it before standing up carefully but I got a lil disbalanced and was about to fall but luckily y/n held me up. I gave her a sweet smile which returned and she started helping me with the skating

For like an hour we skated hands in hands. It was such a sweet moment. I never imagined to have a date like this with the person I've been crushing on since the time I joined the High school.

Yeah you heard that right, I have had a crush on her since I first saw her in the cafeteria on my first day of school. Everyone was staring and talking about her, some even fangirling or fanboying. I never had the courage to go up to her and be friends because I've always been a shy person and especially around the people I like so I always hesitated. But never I thought she'll be the one to start the friendship.

After skating, we went to a restaurant and had lunch then she took me to han River and we stood near the bridge looking at the beautiful view. This days can't be more perfect than this

"Rosie" she called out my name, making me look at her. She turned her body towards me and held both of my hands in the softest way possible and looked straight in my eyes. Aghhhh no I'm gonna pass out

"Rosie, since we both already know that we have feelings for each other, and knowing that I wouldn't want someone else to have what belongs to me so I wanna ask you if.. You would wanna be my girlfriend?" she asked while her cheeks turned a light shade of pink. I had the brightest smile on as I nodded happily and she quickly embraced me in the tightest hug ever which I gladly responded to. I was wrong, this day has just turned perfect now. The girl I always wanted, is now mine~ what could be better than that

She slowly let go and looked at me and I realized our faces are just an inch apart. That's when she started leaning a lil closer until her soft plump lips met mine. The surroundings seemed to stop as if it was only her and me in the entire world. Her soft lips moving on mine while she hold me so close to he, this started to seem so unreal I mean I have never thought of this to be happening

We pulled away when the air was becoming a problem and we looked into each others eyes and that's when she showed her million dollars smile and whispered

"I love you, Park Chaeyoung"


Finally decided to get my lazy ass on work and write a chapter so yeah here it is. I'm sorry for being such a lazy bish but can't help it hehe

 I'm sorry for being such a lazy bish but can't help it hehe

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