Twenty - Five

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Y/N's p.o.v

Today Tzuyu is coming back and I'm damnnnn nervous, or you can say shy to face her. I've made my decision about her confession but I'm kinda nervous to tell her.

Right now I'm getting ready to go and pick her up from the airport. I looked at myself in the mirror and showed a thumbs up to myself. I went downstairs and picked up my phone and car keys then made my way towards the car standing in from of my launge. I got in and took a deep breath before staring the car and driving to the airport.

I arrived right at the time, when the plane landed. I took a deep breathe and waited outside for her. After a few minutes, she came. She looked just as mesmerising as when she first came in front of me. That day when we decided to meet for the first time.

While I was lost staring at her beauty, she spotted me in the crowd and I could see her smile through the crowd. She walked up to me and the atmosphere became very.. Awkward you can say, but not really 'Awkward'

She shyly smiled and wrapped her arms around me and that made me come back to my senses and I hugged back. But the hug..

This hug seemed different. She hugged me tighter than she ever did. She held me close to her as if I was going away from her forever. As if it was the last time she was hugging me.

We finally pulled away and walked up to my car. I put her stuff in the trunk and got in then started the car and drove towards her house. The ride was filled with an awkward atmosphere between us. It seemed like both of us want to start a conversation but we couldn't.

We arrived in front of her house and she turned towards me. "Uhm thanks for picking me up.." she slightly smiled and I just shook my head with a smile

"Tzuyu.. About that letter.. I wanna say that.. You're really a ni-" before I could finish, she cut me off "Y/n.. Can you please first answer with a yes or no...? You can say what you have to say afterwards but first please... I wanna know your answer" I slightly smiled and my hand found hers and interwined our fingers together


Her eyes slightly widened as she looked up at me, her face clearly showed that she wasn't expecting this answer at all and I guess that was the reason she hugged me so tightly earlier at the airport.

"Yes Tzuyu. You're really the nicest girl. I love spending my time with you and in the short period of time when you were away, even tho it was just for a few days, I couldn't wait for you to be back. And also when I got that letter of yours I was really surprised that a goddess like is actually into someone like me. I honestly feel like you deserve a lot better than me but being a bit selfish, I wanna keep you to myself only" I looked at her shyly while confessing my feelings to her.

She smiled in the most adorable way ever

She smiled in the most adorable way ever

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