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The next day
Y/N's p.o.v

I was sitting in the library beside Rosé who was too focused on reading a book that I guess she forgot that there is a human right here, bored asf. I just laid my head on the table and admired her beauty. She seemed to notice and looked at me and a smile formed on her lips following by blush. I smiled and leaned in to leave a peck on her cheek which made her blush even more. Once the bell rang we left for our class but on our way, Rosie stopped and started writing something on her notebook then gave it to me "I forgot my phone in the library so I'm just gonna go and get it" I nodded and she ran off to the library. I smiled at her cuteness and continued my way to the class. I'm too lazy oof, but glad that it's recess after this

Rosé's p.o.v

I got my phone from the library and was walking back to my class. My baby must be waiting for me hihi. I was the crossing the chemistry lab when the door opened and I was pulled inside and thrown on the floor which shocjrd the hell out of me. I saw it was a one of the famous girls in the school. I think her name is Dasha.

"oops, did I hurt you, poor lil shit? Well, as if I care. Listen to me, Stay away from Y/n because she's mine, we both love each other and we were together even before. She's just using you to get over me, but she'll soon realize that I still love her and she'll go back to me, leaving you like nothing but a useless wrapper. If it wasn't for getting over me, y/n would've never been a girl like you, I thought she would be with that other useless girl named jennie, but even she was fine compared to you, but no worries, I'll get her back soon so you don't matter anyways. It'll be better for you if you leave her already, so that you won't get hurt. " I was speechless. I couldn't move or even blink properly. I was just looking at her with no emotions on my face. She smirked and just left me there on the floor. Is it true? Is Y/n just using me? Is she really gonna leave me for that girl?

I came back to my senses and realized I'm already pretty late for class. I got up and fixed myself before walking out with my head hanging. Then I heard someone call my name from behind, I turned around and saw y/n running towards me. She soon embraced me in her arms while breathing hard. "I was so worried, where were you? Are you okay?" u just nodded and watched her as she checks me head to toe if I was hurt anywhere. Her eyes met mine and it seemed like the surroundings stopped, just like in a movie. "don't go anywhere like that again, okay?" I nodded. She smiled and hold my hands and walked to the class with me.

Time skips cause author has no idea
Y/N's p.o.v

I was on my way to meet Ms. Kang because again she wanted to talk about some stuff related to the choreo. I was in my own thoughts when suddenly someone pulled me back, and I was pinned to the lockers and felt someone smash their lips on mine. As soon as I realized its Dasha, I tried to break free, it took me a around 40-50 secs to get her away since she's too strong. I pushed her away and she was breathing hard while looking at me with her lustful eyes "What the fuck you think you're doing?!" I saw students watching us and some even shooting videos "what?! Y'all don't have anything else to do?! Get lost!" they all soon left and I turned to the girl smirking in front of me "why can't you just leave me alone?" she stepped forward, pretty too close to my face "I know you still want me y/n, why can't you just me mine again? I can make you happy like before-" I cut her off with a light chuckle "be with you? Are you sick or something Dasha? You think I still want to be with someone who cheated on me? I'm over you, and I think you should get done with that thought as well because I don't think there's any way I'll go back to you, I'm very happy with Roseanne and I wanna be with her only" I lightly pushed her away from me and walked away to my class, ignoring her calling my name from behind

After I got done with talking to Ms. Kang, I headed to the cafeteria and found my friends sitting together but I noticed everyone in the cafeteria giving me weird looks. Ugh maybe because of what happened earlier. I just ignored everybody and sat next to my friends who were just chatting about something. I laid my head on Rosie's shoulder and she looked at me with a smile. I leaned in and gave her a peck on the lips while the others just uwud at the lil interaction we had. "yah why aren't you like that with me baby? You never kiss me anywhere beside home" mina said with a pout towards jennie who just giggled and kissed her, which caused mina to blush. We laughed at minari's shyness and the day went off normally

Rosé's p.o.v

Throughout the day, I couldn't get what dasha said to me out of my head. It was on my mind all the time. Was it true? Whatever she said? I truly trust Y/n and I know she would never cheat on me, I'm damn sure, but still it was just bothering me on my mind. I had a class along with Sana and as far as I know, Sana and Y/n have been besties since kindergarten so she probably knows about most of the stuff Dasha said so I decided to ask her. I wrote down everything on my notebook and passed it to her

"Sana, earlier I bumped into this girl Dasha, the popular girl.. And she told me to stay away from y/N because she's hers and she's using me to move on from her.. Ofc I don't believe what she said but I'm curious about the moving on part.. What happened between them? Do they have any history together? "

She looked a lil surprised then she finally spoke up" yeah actually.. Dasha was Y/N's girlfriend like an year ago, but they broke up when Y/n caught her cheating with some guy.. Y/n stopped talking to her but she still always bothers y/n and tries to get her back.. You shouldn't mind anything she says, she just can't accept the fact that y/N found someone better than her" oh so that's the case.. Hmm now I get it all. I shouldn't worry because I trust y/n, she'll stick by me always and I trust her truly.


Forgive me already for what's coming in the next chapter y'all. But I had to hehe I'm sowwyyy

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