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Rosé's p.o.v

We're at the set of one of the TV shows, where me and Jisoo unnie got invited. I made Y/N come to the set with us cause why not I feel good having her around.

I got my make up done, and I saw Y/N talking to Jisoo unnie about something. I walked up to her and wrapped my arms around her waist, back hugging her softly

She turned to her shoulder and smiled "Rosie?" I hummed while closing my eyes "What are ya doin?" I put my chin on her shoulder and smiled "Nothin, I just missed you" she chuckled and patted my head

We were soon called as the show was bout to start. Me and Jisoo unnie headed to the others while Y/n stayed backstage

Y/N's p.o.v

I watched as the two most precious girls of mine smiled happily at the camera, looking truly happy. I think sometimes there's in no happiness in your life, but seeing your precious one's happy gives you a reason to smile as well. After the very recent misery, I've lost hope in life but all these girls, they have been there for me and made sure that I don't ever feel lonely. I feel so lucky for having the best sister and best friends to ever exist

Rosé and Jisoo unnie were asked to sing a song together, as both of them have voices of angels. Rosé was given a guitar and they started singing together

Well ofc Jisoo unnie is just to beautiful to look away from, but for some reasons I couldn't take my eyes off of Roseanne, her voices, the way she plays with the strings of the guitar, the little smiles she shows while singing, all about her looked a little extra attractive

The show soon ended, and both of them bowed to everybody before walking towards me. Rosie gave me her adorable smile and ran towards me, giving me a hug which I gladly returned, embracing her in my arms tightly

"you sounded like an angel" I felt her tighten her grip around my neck as she let out a soft breathe "Yah gimme any compliment too" Jisoo unnie pouted, I giggled and pat her head "You're a whole angel unnie" Her pout switched to a cute grin and she said thank you in her baby voice that I never heard before.

After a while, they were free to leave and Jisoo unnie went to somewhere as she had some other work, while I drove Rosé to her place. We arrived, as I parked the car by the corner. We got off and entered the house, Rosé headed towards the kitchen and I just followed her there as I didn't know what else to do

"Wanna bake something together?" my eyes lit up as I heard the word bake, and nodded my head rapidly "Yes please!!" Rosie giggled at my childishness "Alright, let's bake some cookies then" I nodded with a smile. I took off the denim jacket that I was wearing, which left me in my ripped blue jeans and pastel purple oversized sweatshirt.

Rosie went behind me and tied the apron on me. I turned my head to the side, giving her a smile to which she just pecked my cheek. Rosie took out the ingredients and a bowl. We started putting the ingredients together in a bowl and as we were done, I was the one to mix the batter while Rosé just did something in the fridge. More like just munching on something from the fridge

As I was mixing the batter, I felt two arms sneakily wrap around my waist, as I got pulled in a warm embrace and a head rested on my back. I just smiled and let the chipmunk be, until she grabbed my arm and gently turn my around. I looked at her confused as she stared at me lovingly

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