The cycle

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She fell for everyone
Attractive or dumb
Evil or kind
Manipulative or trusting
Smart or cruel
Unattractive or naïve
It didn't matter at all if they gave her what she wanted which was very little for her but enormous for us. The only thing she wanted was love and kindness, which in some cases wasn't a lot but if you added what we wanted the cost grew bigger.

We wanted attention and utter devotion, we craved power and control, we longed for a fight and a prize. So altogether is was never possible for a fair game. So she just gave up her pieces and prizes.

She did whatever she could to make up for what she lacked
Threw herself onto the little trust people had to her in hopes of the chance for the others to love her and keep her
But they never did and she never learned so she did it all again savoring the sweet moments others have her for her to stay and serve.

So all the rest of us grew hungry for our needs to be met and loved but how it when no one would give that to her, and when she found a good one who she cared for and they the same we rushed out trying to fill more then we could hold, which in the end started the cycle over again.

But she always forgave us, her self destroyers and we always took that for granted.

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