1. When the truth comes out

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AN- so this is the sequel to Cabin days <3 also sorry it's rushed it's late 😩

"So...you two are- together? Like you're a couple?"

"Yeah, that's it. You've got it now"

"Huh...I never thought that would happen."

"The fuck do you mean."

"Nothing nothing."

"You tell anyone, you're dead. Got it Tim?"

"Yes Jeffrey, I've got it"

"Good good. Now, shoo I want to go talk to Ben"

Jeffrey Woods, was dating the infamous Benjamin Lawman or as everyone else would put it Ben drowned. They got together after they spent a whole week in a cabin, they had already hungout a lot so it only made their feelings for each other get brought up and taken care of. Now the two were in a pretty good relationship, of course they had their fights but that was like any couple. And what could you expect they're unstable serial killers? About two weeks into being back at their home at slenderman mansion Masky had walked in on the two kissing. And now, Jeff had to explain exactly what they had been hiding. And now here they were Jeff and Tim standing outside of the room talking about weird shit in hushed whispers. After Jeff told the masked man to shoo he did. But as everyone knows, Tim is in fact one of the most gossipy people and word spread quickly around the mansion that the two young killers were together. It was a wave of confusion, not caring, jealousy, and revenge in the mansion residents minds. For the most part Ben and Jeff were left alone though if Jane, Nina, or Dark link came around it was sure to cause hell.
Now at the moment Jeff was sitting in the living room watching TV with poor Ben on his lap. Ben was content listening to the killers heartbeat when all he hears is a gasp and an EW come from the doorway.
"What the hell is wrong with you guys! Jeff! What the hell. Why do you even like him? He's so weird!"
It was Nina, her annoying ass voice kept screeching, rambling on about how weird the small blonde was.
Jeff only sighs and gets up still holding Ben as he pushes his way past the smaller girl.
"Shut the fuck up you dumb whore." He says looking back with a sneer.  They go to his room and decide to just stay in. It wasn't bad in there. smile came in to check on them every so often snuggling up and talking to them. They stayed isolated from the rest of the mansion for awhile going on killing sprees for dates and going back up to the cabin every so often and once the hype about the new relationship was over, they still waited a bit before showing PDA. It was depressing but it was the way it had to be, It's not like Jeff could beat the shit out of the entire mansion for being dumbasses. So when they finally started showing attention to each others they began to have some pretty good, strange, and bad experiences..

our little romance (Sequel to cabin days)Where stories live. Discover now