Chapter 22

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Author's POV

"No no no I don't think I can do this. What if I mess up?" Chanhee says biting his lips. It was the day of the press conference. Chanhee and Sunwoo along with Jongin and Kyungsoo would be announcing the engagement of Sunwoo and Chanhee and also their baby who was coming soon. "Baby calm down." Sunwoo says as he follows the pacing well. "What if people hates me? We haven't even married and I am pregnant.... People are going to think wrongly." Chanhee says worriedly.

Sunwoo sighs as he pulls the male in a hug. "You will be fine. We will be fine. And who cares what they think as long as we love each other. Also you are going to be done with university soon anyway." He says comfortingly. Chanhee relaxes a bit after that. Just then Kyungsoo walks in. "Sunwoo, Chanhee come on it is time." He says. Chanhee takes a deep breath in. "Let's do this." He says to himself as they walk out towards the hall where the conference will take place.

Time Skip~

The press conference went by pretty fast yet it was still exhausting. Being in front of so many cameras. It was never something Chanhee liked but maybe he might have to get used to it. "Do you want to eat anything hyungie?" Sunwoo asked as the got out from the hall. "Hmmm." Chanhee hums tiredly. He hated how easily tired he was now a days. He had went to his first official check up with one of the best doctor. Turns out it was one of Kyungsoo's trusted friend. Kim Minseok was his name. He was nice and kind.

Chanhee had found out about lots of things. He had been told that it was normal if he felf more tired than normal. He might have weird cravings and moodswings. Morning sickness won't last for too long. Chanhee was so excited to get a photo copies of the ultrasound. He had cried at the fact that he was actually carrying a small human in him. His child. His and Sunwoo's.

"What do you want to eat?" Sunwoo asked rubbing his back. "Black bean noodles and fried chicken. And kimchi." Chanhee mumbles. "Okay then let's get that. First we go home and I will order Black bean noddles and fried chicken for you. For kimchi we have homemade one. Kyungsoo hyung made." Sunwoo suggest. Chanhee nods his head against his chest.

Sunwoo had became so mature in the past few days. He was always there for Chanhee. He made sure Chanhee ate well. Took his vitamins on time. Took proper rest. It was adorable but Chanhee found himself wondering if Sunwoo felt burdened at times. He was still young yet he was a father now. He had responsibilities. Sometimes Chanhee felt bad for it. But the younger had assured him that it was fine. That he was happy and didn't mind anything and was excited for their baby to come into the world.

"Let's go back now. To my house." Sunwoo said. They all went back home. As soon as they went inside the house Tae-Oh ran past everyone hugging Kyungsoo. Chanhee awed at the cuteness of the little boy. Tae-Oh had adjusted very well in the Kim Family. And everyone including the workers of the Kim household was soft for Tae-Oh. "Beauty!" Tae-Oh squeals as he runs towards Chanhee next. "How are you Tae-Oh?" Chanhee asked patting his head as they walked further inside. "I have been a good boy!" Tae-oh answers proudly. "Look at you. Such an obedient baby." Chanhee coos as he boops Tae-Oh's nose who giggles. "Tae-Oh stop stealing my future husband." Sunwoo whines from the side making Chanhee laugh.

The kid just sticks his tongue out at Sunwoo. "Beauty is mine." He says as he hugs Chanhee who laughs at Sunwoo who playfully gasps. "How can you say my husband is yours? I will catch you." He says. Tae-Oh squeals as he runs off with Sunwoo running after him. "They are such kids." Kyungsoo says clicking his tongue. People would have thought he was annoyed if not for the fond smile he had.

Later Chanhee finds himself in Sunwoo's room. Sunwoo had ordered his food from a nice restaurant and they were waiting for it. "Do you think it will be a boy or a girl?" Chanhee asks pointing on his stomach referring to the baby. "My father senses says a girl. I wish for a girl." Sunwoo says with a grin. "Why a girl?" Chanhee asked with a raised eyebrow. "We already have Tae-Oh in our family. It would be nice to have a girl now. Tae-Oh will have a sister to take care of then." Sunwoo says with a shrug.

"If it is a girl what would we name her." Chanhee questions. "How about Lucy? Lucy is a cute name." Sunwoo suggest. "Lucy Kim. Sounds super nice. But we would be in trouble if it turns out to be a boy. So we better ne ready with a boy's name too." Chanhee says grinning back. "I hope she or he takes after you." Sunwoo says getting closer to Chanhee. "Why?" The older asked biting his lips with a hidden smile. "Hmmm obviously because you are strong, kind, sassy but so nice and comforting. And beautiful." Sunwoo says as he hovers over Chanhee making sure he wasn't pressing down on the older to avoid hurting their baby.

"You are so cheesy." Chanhee says playing pushing away the younger who leaned away. "But you like it that way." He says with a wink. "By the way what do you think about moving in here?" Sunwoo asks. Chanhee freezes. He haven't really given it a thought. "I don't know... I mean I don't have any problems with it but I think it is better if we talk to my hyungs first and then do it after our engagement." Chanhee suggested.

Sunwoo nods. "That is fine. I can't wait for our engagement." Sunwoo says with a smile. "We are engaging while we wre still so young. If you change your mind after a few years I am burying you alive in the lawn." Chanhee threatens. "That would be impossible. We could be 70 and I would still annoy you. And I am looking forward to that." Sunwoo jokes getting a hit on his arm.

"Sunwoo-ah your food is here. Come down and get it. I am not sending one of the maids to do it when your legs and hands are completely capable." Kyungsoo voice came from downstairs. Sunwoo sighs. "My poor legs. I will go get your food prince." Sunwoo said with a dramatic bow he went out fo the room leaving Chanhee giggling at his actions. 'I won't mind being with him everyday.' he thought as his giggling ceased and a gentle smile took its place.

[End Of Chapter]


How are you all?! 🤓 I have been doing great but a bit busy. Also classes are starting from 17th. I am so not ready but here we are! I am also getting my reveal album soon hehe ❤️❤️

Anyways feedbacks are always appreciated. Thank you for 2K reads and all these supports. Stay tuned for the next chapter. Love you all. Byeee 😍❤️💕

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