Her Decision

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"Don't expect me to be your son, ever again."

Those words of hatred rang again and again on Mr. Gojo's ears. He can't believe how his happy family broke. Now, he didn't only lose Koutaro but also his son Satoru. He immediately enetered the hospital room where his family and the Bokutos are.

Y/N just stared at Koutaro who's now happy seeing his new mom and dad. The 8 year old boy didn't even look at his real family.

Y/N's breathing became abnormal as the pain in her chest is slowly killing her inside. She wants to cry but there's not a single tear descended on her eyes.

"Let's go, Y/N.", Mrs. Gojo called Y/N while carrying Norman. Y/N looked at her brother one last time as they leave, leaving his brother to his new parents without even saying a goodbye.

Weeks passed and the pain that they felt remains. They decided to move to Miyagi, trying their best to move forward and continue life. The Gojo family is not the same as before. Being the four of them left, Mr. and Mrs. Gojo, Y/N and Norman, it felt so lonely in their mansion. The perfect family is ruined. The house full of laughter turns into a gloomy and eerie mansion.

5 months later

"I'm gonna send Y/N to Paradis.", Y/N heard her parents talking at his father's office as she passed through it. Hearing her name, she then stopped and peeked.

"What? H-honey, I can't. What's the reason? Why there?", her mom asked in disbelief, trying to find words to say. His father stared at her mom coldly.

"Paradis Island is known for having great soldiers of all time. She can enhance her skills there. I... I c-can't protect her. I failed a lot of times. *sob* I can't protect my family. It's the only way to train her. I'm weak." Mr. Gojo said as he started to cry. He himself is devastated on his choices but it's the only thing he thought will do.

"I will come with her! If you bring my daughter there, then I will come with her!", Mrs. Gojo reprimanded. She herslef didn't believe that those words came out from his husband's mouth. She can't take it anymore. As a mother, losing her child is the worst pain she can ever feel.

"No you can't."

"Yes, I can and I wi---"


Y/n flinch as she saw her dad slapping her mom. Y/N's tears start to fall as she heard her mother sob whike his father is red because of anger.

"YOU CAN'T LEAVE NORMAN! HIS BODY IS WEAK! HE IS SICK! HE LOSE HIS BROTHERS, I DON'T WANT HIM TO LOSE YOU EITHER. HE NEEDS A MOTHER! I KNOW WHAT I DID TO THIS FAMILY IS WRONG BUT I CAN'T HELP IT!", Mr. Gojo stared ag her wife's pale face with a red mark on her left cheek. He sighed before continuing, "It's the only way to keep them alive. I don't want our family to be ruined ever. I miss seeing their smiling faces. I miss my kids hugs and kisses. I miss them calling me dad. It pains me too. I regret my decisions but I can't do anything about it. Being in this family means danger, lucky for Norman because the public didn't know about his existence but the he's sick. My babg Hoot Hoot didn't know me, nor my existence. My son Satoru hated me. Y/N, my lovely daughter is not in herself. Norman didn't want to talk to me nor see me. It pains me. It pains me a lot.", Mr. Gojo continued as tears from his eyes fall. Mrs. Gojo, knowing his partner's pain. Her husband's pain is doubled than her. Atleast for her, her kids doesn't hate her excluding Koutaro who didn't know her too.


Both of their attention were diverted as they heard a sob at the entrance. There they saw their daughter looking at them in pain as she ran away in whuch they immediately followed.

"Y/N! My daughter wait.", Mr. Gojo said as he held the little girl's hand making her face to him. Y/N just look at her with tears in her eyes.

"Y/N bab--"

"I've heard everything mama.", Y/N said trying to smile. The smile that pains her parents more. Seeing their child force a smile pains them. Y/N's tears continued to fall as she smiled widely at them for reassurance.

"I-it's fine mama, papa. I'm fine. I'll leave this place. I'll become stronger. I'll bring back our family again. I'll bring back aniki Kouta. I'll bring back aniki Satoru. I'll bring back your smiles. Norman's smile. Everyone's smile.", The 5 year old Y/N softly said and chuckled before continuing, "I'll make myself strong and make sure to make everyone SAFE."

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