Chapter 19. Pregnant?

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Olivia quickly closed the door feeling something drip from her leg. When she realized what it was she stood frozen."Liv what's wrong?"Spencer asked walking towards her."Baby, did you leak inside me?"Olivia asked looking at spencer. Spencer's eyes shot open."SHIT! Liv I'm so sorry your mom must have scared it out of me."Spencer said in shock. Olivia giggled a little at his choice of words."Why are you laughing I could have got you pregnant?"Spencer asked."It's gonna be ok ill make a doctor's appointment for tomorrow ok?"Olivia asked trying to stay calm even though she flipping out on the inside."How are you so calm? We could have just accidentally made a baby Liv?"Spencer asked sitting down on her bed putting his shirt on." You don't know that baby. And right now I'm flipping out on the inside but I don't want to make you even more scared than you are right now."Liv said getting down on her knees and putting her hands on his legs rubbing them up in down trying to comfort him."How did I get so lucky?"Spencer asked."I ask myself that every day."Olivia said with Spencer chuckling." Your way sexier than me baby that's for sure."Spencer said kissing her. Olivia giggled," Well I can't argue with that."Olivia said getting up and putting her clothes on. Spencer chuckled and laid on her bed admiring the love of his life. Once she was fully dressed they went downstairs and had dinner with Laura."Thank you Mrs.Baker for dinner," Spencer said sitting next to Olivia at the dinner table."Of course Spencer, you family."Laura said smiling. After they were done eating Spencer and Olivia watched a movie while Laura went to bed."It's getting Late I should get going baby," Spencer said getting up."Yea of course."Olivia said getting up as well walking him over to the door."Can we talk outside for a minute before I leave?"SPencer asked Olivia with her nodding." Baby, what are we going to do if you are pregnant?"Spencer asked worriedly."I'm not sure, but I believe everything happens for a reason, babe."Olivia said caressing his cheek. She knew it's been on his mind all night." So what time is the appointment tomorrow?"Spencer asked."It's at 4 pm. Want me to pick you up?"Olivia asked."No, no ill be fine. I love you,"Spencer says giving Olivia a kiss."I love you too, be safe."Olivia said."I will, goodnight my love."SPencer said getting in his car."Good night."Olivia said watching him pull out and went inside.

After school, Spencer went straight to the doctor's appointment. He was a nervous wreck all day at school. He couldn't focus on anything. He just kept thinking that Olivia might be pregnant because of him. Once he arrived he was 5 minutes late. He walked in seeing Olivia in the waiting room."Hey baby, I'm sorry I'm late."Spencer said walking over to her and giving her a kiss."It's okay my love. They said it should be another 10 minutes. About 10 minutes later a nurse came out."Olivia baker?"The nurse asked with Spencer and Olivia getting up and walking towards them."Right his way please, "The Nurse said with SPencer and Olivia fallowing."The doctor will be in shortly. After the doctor came in and did all the tests and told them it will be about 30 minutes till they will find out before he left."Baby relax," Olivia says trying to relax a very anxious Spencer."I cant baby, what if your preg-"SPencer said before getting cut off."So what if I am. It wouldn't be the worst thing in the world Spence."Olivia said."Wait you want to be pregnant?" Spencer asked standing up and walking towards her."I don't know."Olivia said looking down fidgeting with her hands." I always wanted kids eventually but I just have this feeling that this is when I'm supposed to be pregnant."Olivia said looking up at him."But were so young liv."Spencer said."I know we are baby. But just the thought of us in 9 months being able to hold a child we made together, warms my heart."Olivia told Spencer thinking about how in 9 months they could be holding a baby girl or boy. Spencer imagined what that would be like and Smiled."That would be amazing."Spencer said."So if I am pregnant we won't abort it?"Olivia asked."No baby of course not, like you said everything happens for a reason."Spencer said placing a kiss on her forehead. Olivia smiled and let out a sigh of relief."If we are pregnant, do you want it to be a girl or a boy?"Spencer said sitting back down."A girl," Olivia said smiling at the thought of a little girl running around."Same, but she gonna be a daddy's girl thats for sure."Spencer said. Olivia laughed at the thought of Spencer spoiling a little girl. Just then the doctor knocked on the door with Spencer and Olivia saying come in."So Olivia you are..."


I'm mean ik. I already have the decision imma make so i hope yall won't kill me for it. I'll post the net chapter tomorrow :). Anyways sorry i haven't posted since last week. I had a busy few days. But i will get back on track this week and post a story at least once a day. Bye have an amazing night. Oh and happy AA day.

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