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"This would be a lot better if it snowed in California

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"This would be a lot better if it snowed in California." Nicole said as her and Hawk dragged their sled to the top of the hill.

"Ah, come on, sunflower, this is still fun. Would you rather be on a triple date right now with Courtney, Moon, Yasmine, and Demetri?" Hawk raised his eyebrows.

"Absolutely not. It would just be Courtney and Demetri arguing and Yasmine and Moon talking about skin care routines and the new yoga that Moon's trying." Nicole replied.

Hawk laughed. "Exactly."

"Oh, and you showing off." Nicole added.

"I don't show off." Hawk squinted.

Nicole gave him a look and he rolled his eyes.


They then got to the top of the hill and Hawk sat, Nicole taking a spot next to him.

"We don't have to sled anymore if you think it isn't fun without snow." Hawk offered.

"I don't think, I know." Nicole nodded.

"Okay." Hawk gave her a small nod. "Anyway, I wanted to give you something."

"What? Why? We already had Christmas, Hawk." Nicole folded her arms.

"Well, I wanted to give you something else."

Hawk then pulled out a small, wrapped gift out of his pocket and handed it to Nicole.

"Hawk..." Nicole gave him a look.

"Just open it, Nikki." Hawk gave her a look.

"Fine, fine!"

Nicole unwrapped the gift and pulled out a mixtape.

"A mixtape?" She asked.

"Yeah, I made it for you a while ago when we went out to the corner store and then to get ice cream, but I never got the chance to give it to you, so I'm giving it to you now."

"Hawk, this is amazing. I love it." Nicole smiled.

"I knew you would." Hawk smiled back.

He then pulled in her in for a kiss, and then they rested their foreheads against each other.

"We can try the sled thing one more time if you really like it."

"Yes!" Hawk exclaimed.

Nicole giggled at him and they got on the sled and tried the sled one last time.

Here's the bonus chapter I promised! :)

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