✎Chapter 2ˏˋ°•*⁀➷

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✎AN; i don't want to search up about drug addicts sooooooo, uh fanfic time owo!

"Hey! Skeppy you're here." Bad opened the door wide and gave his friend a hug. However, due to the luggage Skeppy was carrying. 

"Hey Bad, nice to see you again!" 

"You too, come inside." He gestured. 

But before Skeppy could even get inside, the scampering of paws was heard and he was tackled by a small, white, fluffy ball. 

"Oh hello Lucy" 

Skeppy bent down and pet the small white dog. Lucy was ecstatic, barking like crazy. Skeppy was afraid she'd explode if she kept yapping her small head off. Why did the smallest of dogs have the most energy?

Bad giggled at the small scene in front of him."Your room is the same as last time, feel free to drop your stuff there if you like." He bent down and picked Lucy up before she started to bite Skeppy. 

"Thanks Bad!" Skeppy trotted inside and headed straight for the spare room. 

"Wait, you only have one spare room... where is-" Quackity staying? 

Before Skeppy could murmur the words out he found out, two beds on either end of the room where prompted up, neat and tidy. Oh hell no. 

"Okay but why do we have to sleep together." Skeppy groaned. Maybe he was exaggerating a little but it was fun to tease his friend at time, and his pouting did make him a little giddy. 

"Your not even in the same bed you muffin." He crossed his arms and pouted. 


"Fine.." Skeppy grumbled, trying to conceal his smile. Even if he was having fun prodding at Bad the last thing he wanted to do on his trip was get annoyed with Quackity, especially when he was tired. He didn't want to argue with him and upset his friend, it would ruin Bad's time with them. 

Bad sat down on the sofa and placed his finger under his chin. 

"hm..." He flipped his palm over and smacked his hands together.

"Hey, did you want to go out for a bit? Before Q gets here." 

Skeppy stammered, "Isn't he going to-"

But before he could ask Bad answered his question "ah, he's going to be an extra day, car broken." 


They arrived at the beach half an hour later. Bad had bought some drinks and hot chips from the beach shack and Skeppy has ordered a cheese burger. 

He walked over to Skeppy who was wearing his board shorts and long wet suit shirt, baking in the 1pm sun light. 

"Skeppy, im back with your stuff." Bad said as he sat down next to him, placing the food and drinks carefully onto the soft sand. Skeppy immediately grabbed the burger and chomped down, he sure was hungery after flying. 

Bad snickered and started to slowly work though his packet of medium sized chips. He'd usually small but he wouldn't put it behind his friend to take a few 'sneaky' fries for himself. 

"Is the burger good?" Bad asked, his only reply was a strong Hrmm from Skeppy, who had shoved half of the burger down his throat. They did make the burgers good here. 

They decided not to swim due to how tiring it is once you get out of the water. 

Rat decided to dig a massive pit-fall and nearly broke someones ankel when they fell in. 

They arrived home and showered. Skeppy put on an extra large hoodie and sat down on Bad's couch. 

"Thanks for taking me to the beach Bad, that was heaps of fun."

"No problem Skeppy."

Bad sat down on the couch next to Skeppy and cuddled up, despite today being a scorcher the nights were always cold. Bad took the small blanket up a the end of the couch and placed it onto of the both of them.

"Hey wanna watch something?" Bad said, he grabbed the remote and flicked on the tv.

Skeppy perked up, "Sure, lets watch a movie?"

"Cool, I'll show you some of my favourites."

They spent the rest of the night watching cheesy rom-coms and thrillers. Slowly they both fell asleep on the couch, Skeppy was the first and Bad didn't want to wake him up so they just stayed there...

✎AN; I have decided i am bored of reading angst. Therefore this book is going to be 90% fluff and platonic friendship stuff. Unless you gamers want angst... (jk im trying to keep this book happy!)

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