✎Chapter 4ˏˋ°•*⁀➷

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✎AN: Woo chapter 4 this is like really far along lol. (considering i don't write pass like chapter 3 on most fic's) 

Skeppy, Bad and Quackity got inside Bad's car and started to drive off. Their plan was to go to the carnival first thing and then have lunch later.

"No fair why does Rat get front seat privileges" Skeppy wined. 

"Well she did want to come along didn't you-"


Before he could be a word in Bad was sweet talking his dog. Giving all sorts of affectionate praises and promising treats at the end of the day. He turned his attention away form the dog and onto the road as they exited the drive. 

Skeppy and Quackity were equally as bunched up away from each other. Neither of them wanted to touch, too awkward perhaps? 

The group arrived at there first location. The carnival was a local family run business with a high 4.5 star rating. All the low ratings were about food tasting yucky or customer service not being as nice as they expected, nothing serious like the rollercoaster going off its rails or a kid drowning in the 'fairy floss'. 

They all exited the car and made sure there valuables where hidden. Then they waited in line. 

Quackity decided to get the tickets.

"Hey miss two adults and a kid." He said, as this wasn't the first time doing this. 

Kid? Skeppy thought.

Quackity handed the tickets out, a blue one for Skeppy and a two red ones, one for Quackity and one for Bad. 

They checked in with the nice person who was handing out wristbands for the rides. Same colour coordination to make sure kid's weren't drinking or buying things they shouldn't.  

Bad grabbed everyones tickets and gave them in to the person who was working, they quickly put the bands onto everyones wrists. 

Quackity got a blue ristband. 

"Im still shocked that the lady thought you were the child in our group." Skeppy giggled. 

"Shut up." He groaned, slouched over and sighing. 

Bad giggled. "Well mr child, what should we do first?" He teased.

Quackity looked around, "Well how about the famous rollercoasters?" He laughed, if it scared Bad and Skeppy the reaction would be well worth it. Bad emediatly tensed up. 

"Shouldn't we do something a little more relaxed first Quackity?"

 "Are you afraid Bad?"

Bad froze up and quickly shook his head in disagreement.

"What about if you too go do that and I'll grab some snacks or go on a different ride." Bad said, and before either of them could say a word, he disappeared with Rat. Slowly merging in with the massive crowd. 

Quackity rolled back his shoulders, "So what now?"

"Well if you want to go on a rollercoaster i'm down with it," Skeppy said, "What about you, are you cool with that?" He asked. 

Quackity nodded and they headed off to the rollercoasters. They waited in line for the tickets and boarded the ride. Skeppy noticed Quackity tense up.

"So you scared Quackity?" 

"No obviously." Quackity snapped. 

"Sure you're not going to psis ur pants." Skeppy chuckled. 


"no skippy. I'm not going to piss my pants." He groaned.

Skeppy giggled, "You seem pretty tense, want to hold my hand."

"Only if it gets you to shut up."  

Skeppy took the opportunity and grabbed Quackity's hand. It didn't mean much but it was funny seeing him look shocked at the action. 

"Hey you said you-"

"Shut up."

They buckled in and went rolling away, the following minutes were spent screaming, laughing and over all having a decently good time. They however were NOT going to talk about holding hands the entire time by 'accident'. 

Skeppy and Quackity came off the roller coaster making small talk and cracking jokes about how  Bad would of thrown up if he went on the ride. 

Bad had just finished going on the pet friendly lagoon ride with Rat. He saw Skeppy and Quackity walking down and decided to join back up with them.

"Hey guys!"

"Oh hello Bad, we just finished up our ride. Quackity was sooo scared."

"Don't say that like you weren't scared too." Quacky said, prodding his side. 

they laughed. 

"Well did you want to go on a few more rides together." Bad chimed in, "and NO, im not going on any of those extreme coasters you both seem to enjoy." 

They spent the rest of their morning going on rides, eating overly priced food and dancing around Rat's dog leash.  Skeppy and Quackity surprisingly got along and Bad had a great time listening to them banter...

✎AN: SORRY THIS TOOK F4WERVER aaaa,,, hopefully the next chapter shouldn't take soooooo long to write, I was a little blocked on this one >_>'''''''''.

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