Chapter 3

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Moonbyul took a deep breath and in the deep breath felt Yongsun's lips crash hungrily against her own. This had been the moment she only dreamed of her entire life. Now it was finally coming true. She released the breath and relinquished whatever fears and doubts she once had. A deep abiding calm settled in her being. She was with Yongsun, the girl she loved for as long as she could remember. She was her best friend, the only person she completely trusted in the entire world without hesitation.

Yongsun lifted her lips to Moonbyul. Warm... She was so invitingly warm. Even her body burned to the touch. Yongsun pushed her tongue deep inside Moonbyul's mouth. She welcomed the added heat, wanted to drown in it. Yes, tonight she would be consumed by the fire of her. Her hands moved to Moonbyul's linen shirt, quickly untying the string there, the fabric spreading open with every knot undone.

Moonbyul watched Yongsun carefully, observing how eager her fingers moved to undo her clothing. She shrugged out of them and dropped it on the ground, Yongsun's hands quickly resting right above her collarbone.

–Are you sure?–

Yongsun ran a single finger between Moonbyul's chest, trailing her skin with careful eyes.

–I'm more sure then I've ever been my entire life– She planted her lips right where she'd seen the first scar, one of the many that lay before her.

Moonbyul closed her eyes while Yongsun began her descent, leaving sweet, light kisses all over her breasts and torso. She cherished every single one and watched Yongsun drop to her knees, her lips settling right below her navel. They met eyes for a second, the cold slowly sinking into Moonbyul's body. Yongsun unfastened her belt, the sound of leather and metal almost coming undone.


Moonbyul stopped her there, the fear rolling back into her mind. She'd taken the first step with Yongsun until this very point, but now that they were here, she didn't feel so confident anymore.

–Moonbyul– Yongsun said softly –It's just me– Slowly, she felt the brunette's resistance fade. Steeling herself with what courage she had, Yongsun continued and lowered her pants until Moonbyul's hardened member sprung out.

Yongsun hesitantly took Moonbyul's length in her hand and stroked her, thinking that would bring her the most pleasure. To think that Moonbyul actually had one...

–Ah- Moonbyul groaned, her hands clawing back at the wooden wall. A sharp wave of electricity shot up her belly and she tensed, her member flinching with excitement –Yongsun– she breathed out softly.

Yongsun slowed to a stop, thinking that her curiousity got the best of her. She didn't realize what she was doing until Moonbyul called her back to reality.

—S-Sorry, did it hurt?— She asked bashfully.

Moonbyul watched Yongsun stand to meet her. The blush in her cheeks only deepened.

—N-No, it didn't. But it felt— she looked off to the side –It felt good–

Yongsun smiled weakly and kissed Moonbyul, her hand moving back down to her length. If it would give her pleasure, than she would do it. Moonbyul's breaths escalated to faint pants as she brought Yongsun closer. To have her best friend touching her this way, no, to have her Queen pleasuring every inch of her skin was... Amazing. Perhaps even more than that. Yongsun instinctively moved her hand faster and in a matter of minutes, Moonbyul came undone, uttering a soft gasp against Yongsun's ear. She slid her hand from the base to the tip, feeling the sticky wetness coating her fingertips.

Moonbyul took slow, deep breaths and willed her heart to calm itself. She let the little bit of light from the burning candle flood her senses. No longer was she bound by the anxiety in the pit of her stomach. Now she felt as free as a bird.

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