Chapter 7

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It had been a little over two months since Yongsun returned to the castle after her three days away in WheeIn's estate. And within the first week or so, she'd began feeling a little lightheaded and sickly. Initially she didn't think much of it, perhaps it was just a side effect from the stress of undergoing constant meetings to appease her citizens in the kingdom. With the impending war in less than a few days' time, the King was busy supervising battle tactics and the army at hand. This left most of his other important duties for Yongsun to fulfill, much to her dismay. But now, as she stood in the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror, she knew all too well that it wasn't because of her added responsibilities.

–Yongsun, are you okay?– WheeIn called from the other end of the door.

–Yes, I'm fine– Yongsun answered softly. The inside of her stomach tensed uncomfortably as she felt a wave of nausea sweep through her entirety. She took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

–I'm coming in– WheeIn announced and immediately joined Yongsun's side. She let her hand rest onto her friend back, stroking her in the gentlest of ways –You don't look too well–

–It's just a cold– Yongsun said hastily.

WheeIn didn't look convinced. She noticed the sudden change in Yongsun's condition after their return.

–When was the last time you bled?–

–Two months ago– Yongsun confirmed. She closed her eyes and pressed a hand to her stomach. She was doubtful about her pregnancy last month, but now it was apparent that she was indeed with child.

–Did you know?–

–I had a feeling, but I wasn't certain–

–And... Whose is it?– WheeIn asked.

–Moonbyul's– Yongsun answered immediately. She hadn't slept with anyone else but Moonbyul within the last two months, not even with her own husband.

–Does she...–


A moment of silence passed through the room.

–I don't want to tell her yet. She already has enough on her plate. She doesn't need to worry about this too–

–But Yongsun...–

–Please, WheeIn– Yongsun met WheeIn's eyes at once –She can't know. At least not yet–

WheeIn nodded obediently. She didn't think it would be a wise decision to leave Moonbyul in the dark, but that wasn't a choice for her to make. Yongsun wasn't one to keep secrets for too long, and if she did want to tell Moonbyul at a later time, WheeIn had faith that it was for a valid reason.


The days passed by so quickly that before they knew it, war was already at their doorstep. The army was supposed to leave by tomorrow morning at the break of dawn, and while the men were biding their time with family or the company of others, Moonbyul spent it in solitude. She walked far into the woods and settled herself by one of her favorite spots growing up in the castle. It was a secluded area with a shallow stream, large flat rocks to sit on and tall, aged oak trees to surround it. She sat down on one of the rocks and glanced all around her. There would be no one to disturb her here.

She was dressed in her battle armor today, black and gold, the complete opposite of her usual Kings Guard uniform in silver and gold. It did look more regal, but the color was utterly morbid. Moonbyul felt as though she were walking into her own grave by just wearing it.

She pulled out her sword, which was a gift from Yongsun's late father after she rose to her position in the Kings Guard. The metal was made of the finest steel, its length and weight personalized especially just for her. She'd taken good care of it, going as far to sharpening its blade as often as she could. Moonbyul took out her whetting stone and slowly, carefully began working on the blade's edge. In the last month she spent time practicing for combat with melee and ranged weapons to hone her skills. But out of all her choices, the sword was still her favorite pick.

She moved the stone downwards and a loud, screeching noise echoed into the woods. The birds chirped from the treetops and the wind blew gently between the trees, wafting through the verdant forest. Eventually, while working on the blade, Moonbyul drifted into deep thought.

After two months, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss between her and Yongsun, more so this past week. It was as though Yongsun had been avoiding her at every opportunity. She figured that it might've been involuntary, what with Yongsun taking on the King's duties in his absence. The truth was, they were both very busy. But even so, Moonbyul knew deep in her heart that the problem lay elsewhere.

But what could it possibly be? That was the real question.

Moonbyul worked harder on the blade partly out of frustration, partly out of diligence. She only slowed her progress when she heard footsteps in the distance a few meters away from where she sat. A branch snapped into two followed by rustling from the bushes. Moonbyul raised an eyebrow curiously but made no move to leave her spot. She listened until the sound came closer, following the direction it was headed.

Moonbyul watched as Yongsun emerged between the bushes, panting and out of breath. From the looks of it she was running for quite some time. Her forehead was beaded with a light layer of sweat and her skin was flushed pink.

–I...finally found you– Yongsun breathed out.

Moonbyul smirked and Yongsun's face changed into something akin to annoyance.

–You were looking for me?–

–Yes and all morning too– Yongsun huffed. Her bangs began to stick to her face.

–What for?– Moonbyul continued working on her sword, careful not to cause too much noise so that she would hear Yongsun's answer clearly.

–Well... You know...I...– Yongsun shifted uneasily on her feet. She sounded uncertain on what she truly wanted to say.

–I thought you were ignoring me– Moonbyul interrupted. At the last second she inadvertently pushed the whetting stone with more force than she intended, and the metal let out a loud squeak.

Yongsun flinched at the sound and Moonbyul let out an exasperated sigh.

–Moonbyul, that's not what I was trying to do–

–It's alright, Yongsun, I understand. Really...–

–I wasn't trying to push you away. I've just been preoccupied with a whole lot of matters–

Moonbyul nodded absently. She felt disconnected to the conversation they were having. It wasn't like she needed her closest friend to justify her reasons for being so distant. Moonbyul knew the responsibilities they held in their respective positions and the weight that burdened their secret relationship.

–What kind of matters?–

–The kingdom, appeasing the needs of the citizens... Other complicated issues–

–Complicated issues?–

Yongsun looked off to the side and Moonbyul slid the whetting stone down onto the blade.

–I heard you weren't feeling well. Are you better now?–

–How did you-?—

–I know I can be naive, but I'm not blind, Yongsun. I noticed it for some time now, a few weeks after we got back. In truth I was becoming a little worried– Moonbyul's eyes darted back and forth between her blade and Yongsun. Her grip on the hilt of her sword tightened for a moment.

–Yes. You can say I've been feeling under the weather as of late–

–It's nothing serious right? I mean, I need to know you're okay before I leave–

Yongsun tried a smile towards Moonbyul, her eyes softening gently at the girl. She did feel uneasy at times, but only because she was keeping a secret from Moon, a secret that could potentially ruin their friendship, their relationship. And it was eating at her conscience day by day. Who was she to keep the truth from Moonbyul, her child's rightful parent? As the time she had with Moonbyul dwindled to no more than a single day, she decided that there was no greater opportunity than now.


–It wasn't my intention to keep it a secret from you, but what with all that's been happening I didn't have a choice– Yongsun stepped forward until the distance between them was no more than an arms reach. Slowly, she took Moonbyul's hand and set it on top of her stomach —Byul, I'm pregnant–

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2021 ⏰

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