Book Special 2! Kenma's quirk

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Don't have a title for this so if you want you can try giving it a name base on the chapter

"Oi Kenma we need to leave if you don't want to be late for your doctor appointment." Izuku said as he is shaking Kenma to wake up.

"N-No please 5 more minutes." He said will moving away from Izuku.

"Hmm if you wake up and get ready right now, me and you can make apple pie." Izuku said.

"O-Ok fine." Kenma said while getting ready to go to see what his quirk was

Kenma they went down stares to see his dad Izuku waiting for him. "You ready kiddo?" Izuku asked as he picked up Kenma and put him on his shoulders as they go to the car. Izuku puts Kenma on the car seat and buckled him up but before Izuku closes the car door Kenma asked him something.

"D-Dad can you bring Kurama?"

Izuku then takes a few steps back. "Sure, hold on let me get him real quick. Summoning Justus: Chibi Kurama!" Izuku shouted as a small fun-size Kurama was summoned.

"Hey Kurama, Kenma wants you." Izuku said

"Why?" he asked

"Well you see he needs to get a blood test." Izuku explained the situation about Kenma.

"I see. . ."

"Yelp let's go." Izuku said as he picked up Kurama and put him next to Kenma

Izuku then went to the drivers seat and drove to the hospital witch only took 30 minutes. They got there and went in while Kenma was shacking a little to much that Izuku notices as he kneeled down.

"Oi Kenma. Remember what you told me what you want to be right?" Izuku said to his son and Kenma nodded

"Think about that and don't think about the needles ok. It's just a pinch and it wont hurt little me." Izuku said as he showed his bright smile and his brightness can rival the sun.

"O-Ok Dad. I will be strong too!" Kenma shouted as he smile so bright that not even Izuku who reached god hood, can't even beat.

"So bright. Well wait here while I go get you checked in." Izuku told Kenma as he left to check Kenma in while trying to stay on the low. Kenma was now waiting with Kurama until he got taped on the back. Kenma turned around to see a girl with black hair and yellow and blue eyes and is the same age as him.

"Hey Kenma." the girl said

"O-Oh hi S-Shomi. H-How's Auntie and Uncle a-and w-were are they?" Kenma said to the girl while blushing a little but can't be seen. Shomi Todoroki, adopted by auntie and uncle, They saved her from a villain attack but they couldn't save her mom so they adopted her and took her in at the age of 3. Luckily there is not many signs of trauma this year which is good.

"There doing fine I think they went to talk to your dad." Shomi said as she pointed to Izuku talking to a older Shoto and Izumi. The 3 adults were talking while Kenma and Shomi where talking until the doctor came in.

"Can I get Kenma Namikaze and Shomi Todoroki please." The doctor called

"Go kids we will be here waiting for you." Izuku said

"C-Can Kurama come?" Kenma asked and Izuku motion Kurama to go with him.

"Sorry sir we don't allow Dogs and cats inside." The doctor said

"Did this dude really just call Kurama a dog, is this dude on drugs or what? Sorry doc but you said Dogs and Cats not a Fox." Izuku said a little annoyed

"Got me there. Let's go kids." The doctor then lead the kids to a room with quirk testing equipment. "Alright who wants to go first?" the doctor said

"I-I'm a gentlemen so ladies first." Kenma said making Shomi pout while the doctor and Kurama were trying holding back their laughter thinking,

"Don't laugh just don't laugh." Both the doctor and Kurama thought

"F-Fine I'll go first." Kenma said

"Alright just don't look and don't think about it."

"A-Alright." Kenma said

"So what do you want to be when you grow up?" The doctor asked while getting the stuff ready.

"A-A-A Volleyball player and a hero." Kenma studered out

The doctor then took some blood from Kenma witch he flinched but not as much because Kurama was there, then Shomi but she did not flinched because her "bestie" was there.

"Alright! We are done and you guys are brave! Its going to take about 5 minutes so please go back to the waiting room with the fox please." Doctor said

"Come on you to. . .get on my back." Kurama said

"T-Thanks Kurama." Kenma said as he got on first and Shomi got as well hugging Kenma from behind. Kurama went and took them to Izuku, Izumi, and Shoto. Kurama took them and told them that they are now waiting for the results.

"Ahh Namikaze's and Todoroki's may you come with me please." The same doctor from before called.

The 2 family got up and followed the doctor to a privet room and sat down.

"Alright so Shomi here has a stronger version of your quirk Mr. Todoroki. As for Kenma Namikaze its basically your quirk Mr. Namikaze but. . ."

"But what doc? Is it dormant?" Izuku ask nervously hoping its not

"No its not but he might show a sign of a mark somewhere on his hand so be aware of that."

"Thank god. Alright doc see ya!" Izuku said as Kenma some how climes in his back.

"You really like to be on my back do ya?" Izuku said as the others chuckles

"Its nice and soft. B-But by Shomi, Mr. and Mrs. Todoroki" Kenma said as he waved goodbye

"Aww but I wanted to hangout with you." Shomi said as she pouted angrily.

"You will have to ask uncle if you can hangout." Izumi said

"Its fine and also. Did you and Momo teach her that technique?" Izuku ask Izumi about the pout.

"Maybe~ Maybe not~ Who knows? So Izuku can you bring Shomi home at 7 cause I know Shomi want to spend some time with her boyfriend~ " Izumi teased which made both Kenma and Shomi blush madly

"Yea sure." Izuku said as he took both of the kids to the car. Shoto and Izumi said bye to Shomi as Izuku took off to his house but also he feels like he is forgetting something.

~~~Back at the hospital~~~

"That fucker left me!" Kurama thought while remembering he can unsummon him self

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