Chapter 21- What now?

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🔞Smut warning!🔞

Way too late the team finally leaves us alone and way too fast the atmosphere changes to something much heavier as the door of the apartment clicks closed.

Way too fast, my heart flutters in my chest as the loving blue eyes stare at me with something else added to the mix.

But it is not too fast when Alexander takes a step in my personal space, pushes me against the door and kisses me with the hunger of a beast. 


Magnus gasps as his back hits the wall. I quickly pin his hips to the wall as I plaster my body against his. His beautiful lips part for me, letting me invade his mouth and taste him. It's as if the world is all empty except us.

Magnus' hands wander in my hair as he presses my face even closer to his. With a growl, I slide my hands down his thighs and lift him up so that I pin his hips with mine while his legs wrap around me.

"Alexander" Magnus gasps as he pulls away for air. His eyes are closed but a smile graces  his features.

"Yes?" I ask as our foreheads are pressed together. I roll my hips right into his crotch as he tries to find the right words. Magnus whimpers. His tongue darts out to lick his lips and moisten them.

His hands pull at my hair as he pulls me for another kiss. God, let me never loose this man. I roll my hips into his crotch again, once again hearing a moan.

Slowly, carefully, my hands gently pull the button up shirt out of Magnus' pants. I stop there as I pull away for us to catch our breath but Magnus tries to chase my lips.

"Alexander..." He whines as he realises that my lips are out of reach.

"Magnus, can I ?..." I ask him gingerly touching the bare skin under his shirt with one finger tip. Magnus nods as if I just ordered him thirty tons of glitter. And finally I skip my hands under his shirt, gripping the heated skin with both hands.

I lean down, pressing kisses onto Magnus' jaw, then down his neck where I need to search a bit to find a spot that is more sensitive than the rest of the skin. But oh boy! The moan I earn is so hella worth it. As is the feeling of his length as I roll my hips into his crotch once again.

"Alexander please!" Magnus whines, his hands sliding down to grip my shoulders. 

"Please what Magnus?" Magnus opens his beautiful eyes. He grabs one of my hands and presses it between us, tight over his crotch. I slowly rub my palm over it, Magnus' hands constantly on mine.

"Interesting. What should we do about that?" I tease him, squeezing the bulge a bit playfully.

"Fill me...right here" he replies, panting, his eyes shining in arousal. I peck his lips, pulling away as he tries to deepen our kiss.

"Against the wall?" I ask him.

"Yes" He answered breathlessly. I smirk.

"Where do you have lube? Condoms?"

"Bathroom cabinet" I nod.

"I'll go get them. Hoping to see you naked when I come back" I wink at him as I let him back on his feet and almost sprint to the bathroom. I rip the cabinet door open and look. On the top shelf I see a bottle that I recognize as anal lube and a box of condoms. Quickly looking at the box I check the size. They fit. Maybe I'll get to feel Magnus one day too. I grab a few condoms in haste and slender back, pretending to be in no rush.

As I join Magnus again, all his clothes are on the ground except for his boxers he's currently taking off, ass facing me. I creep behind him and grab his hips just as he finishes stripping, making him squeal in surprise.

"Shhh. We wouldn't want the others to wake up, wouldn't we?" I growl into his ear, grounding his naked butt into my clothed crotch.

"N-no?" I chuckle darkly, pressing my lips on the underside of his jaw as he tilts his head backwards. Then, I suck on a spot, hard. Enough to leave a mark. Magnus sighs. I keep going on spots all around the first one. That's gonna look like one hell of a hickey...amazing.

"Turn around Magnus, let me look at you" I whisper in his ear. Magnus does as said and turns around, leaving me to look at his flushed face, his delicious chest and abs. His well toned legs and his member standing between us.

"You're so beautiful" I whisper, looking up into his eyes again. Magnus smiles and pulls me for a kiss. I quickly shove the lube and condoms in my back pocket. I want to touch Magnus. So bad. I start at his face, stroking over his cheekbones with my thumbs while Magnus watches me. Slowly my hands slide down to his neck, enjoying the soft skin and the small sigh Magnus gives me. I continue with pressing my hands into his muscular shoulders and pectorals. As my nail grazes one of his nipples, Magnus inhales sharply.  Finally, one hand slides down his V line and grabs the engorged member between us as my other hand, massages soft circles into his ass.

Magnus whimpers as I stroke his length softly and holds onto me, nails digging into my skin.

"Alexander please. Fill me. I'm already too close" Magnus begs, making me smile. I grin down at his desperate face, twisting my hand a bit at the tip of his swollen cock.

"Okay. Turn around for me, Magnus. Hands against the wall and spread your legs a bit" Magnus moans and whimpers as I let him go to position himself as I've told him to do.

And dear god.

"You're a living sin, Magnus. So beautiful" I whisper. My hands massage his now exposed ass a bit before I grab the bottle of lube, coating my fingers.

"I'm going to prepare you, Magnus. Do you understand?"

"Yes! Yes. Please do it" Magnus begs. I smirk as I finally get to where I crave to be.

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