Chapter 2- Protective stranger

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“Hey man, you okay?” a soft voice said, just as Alec had closed his eyes himself to pray. Alec opened his eyes just to look at the most handsome man he had ever laid his eyes on. He was tall with black hair and a smooth caramel skin. The clothes he wore were as magnificent as the man himself. Tight black leather pants with glitter made his long legs look amazing, the cobalt blue coat and the grey scarf creating a great effect on the man’s upper body. Alec just stared at this dream of a man in awe, this man just walked to a homeless man to ask if he’s okay and not to say mean things or look in disgust? WHAT?!

“Sir are you alright? Is this man bothering you?” a police officer asked the stunning man while glaring at Alec who recognized him. The man looked confused, yet a little mad.

“Actually I’m bothering him, not the other way round. Why would you think that he bothers me?” the man asked, his voice fitting his facial expression. The policeman glared at Alec, and scoffed disgusted at Alec who tried to hold back his tears at this despicable action. Many people did that, but it never got any easier. Even in the times in which Alec was part of the Lightwood legacy, he always had done some charity work in shelters to help the homeless, helped in hospitals or retirement homes just to watch people smile. He had never looked disgusted at them…

“He ran around the whole day like some madman asking for help for his “sick” brother” the officer spat with an eye roll. Alec despised the way the policeman had quoted the word sick, but he remained silent, looking at the other man who looked kindly at Alec and his little brother.

“Is your brother really sick?” he asked, concerned. Alec didn’t know what to do, so he just grabbed the warm hand of the stranger and put it on the burning forehead of his brother. To his amazement the man didn’t even flinch and let him do. After a while the stranger nodded and pulled his hand away, stood straight up and glared at the police officer who shivered subconsciously.

“Your name” he growled through gritted teeth with a stone cold voice. Alec immediately squeezed his brother tighter against his chest in fear. What was happening?

“Officer Underhill sir” the policeman answered confused. Alec was scared about what was going to happen, but the man just took his high end cell phone and dialled a number.

“Luke…yes I need you…one of your officers…Underhill…yeah see ya in 2’” he hung up and dialled another number, ignoring the confused looks of others.

“Cat…can you come?...A sick child…uh wait a sec.”

“How old is your brother?” the man asked Alec softly. Alec didn’t know why but he hoped that this man would help him. That someone would finally help him.

“Ten” Alec croaked, still fearing the future events. Magnus nodded and smiled a little, which reassured Alec a little.

“Ten years old…thanks’ Cat” The man hung up and got to his knees to look at Alec with the same eye level…like equals. Alec’s heart beat out of his chest. Never in these whole months on the streets someone had done something like that.

“I’m Magnus, can you tell me your name?” Magnus asked looking in Alec’s eyes, not at the rags he was wearing or at the dirt in his face, but at his eyes.

“What’s happening?” Alec asked, ignoring Magnus’ question. Magnus smiled softly to calm Alec down when he saw that Alec had gripped his brother tighter.

“I called a friend of mine, she’s a doctor and she said she would help you and your brother. You’re right your brother is sick; I believe you” Magnus said softly. I believe you. Never in his life Alec had thought that these words could feel this good. Magnus turned to Underhill with a way less sympathetic face than before.

“I also called the boss of your boss Underhill. As a policeman, it is your DUTY to protect others who are looking for help, no matter if they are homeless or not” Magnus smirked as Underhill paled.

“Who are you?” He asked with wide eyes.

“Does the last name Bane tell you something?” he asked. To his surprise it was Alec who answered.

“Bane Magnus, son of the founder and CEO of BANE fashion Asmodeus Bane and currently the youngest billionaire ever known. In his twenties, he was sixteen when he became a billionaire around five years ago.” Magnus laughed as this flow of information about him sounded more like a Wikipedia description of him than something somebody would say out of impulse. Underhill had taken the colours of a ghost by now.

“Almost right, but you are six months late. My father died so I took over” he corrected. Alec looked down and muttered an apology like the clumsy boy he was.

“Magnus!” A voice yelled. Magnus turned around to see Luke Garroway running towards them. Alec was startled but didn’t dare to even move as he eyed the tall, muscular figure that approached them with speed. Magnus hugged Luke shortly before pulling away and pointed at Underhill like a five-year-old child would have done it. Alec noticed the little pout Magnus made and liked the cuteness of it.

“Luke! Do you call this an officer?” Magnus huffed. Luke rolled his eyes and stared down to Underhill.

“What did you do this time?” Luke’s deep voice growled. Immediately, Magnus started to explain everything in an outraged tone, while Luke’s stare at Underhill got more and more angry, making the blonde officer grow more and more uncomfortable.

“You’re suspended. I’ll call the internal affairs the second we’re finished here” Like growled after a few seconds of reflexion.

“But I-“  Underhill started.

“No. I warned you last time you did something like that. Dismissed!” Underhill left with a lowered head while Luke turned with a now way softer expression towards Alec and Max.

“Young man, I am Captain Garroway, but you can call me Luke. Could you tell me your name?” Alec swallowed hard. He didn’t want to answer that question. Of course he could lie, but his fingerprints were registered so there was no way they wouldn’t find out. So with a shaking voice he answered.

“A-Alexa-der G-Gideon Light-litght…Lightwood” silence. It was as if the world had stopped. Magnus and Luke stared at me thunderstruck with opened mouths. Dammit.

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