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Every night was just stranger and stranger. Mama and Papa would be home in a few days so I had to keep the house tidy.

I couldn't stop thinking about Tommy, but it was hard to focus on that with all of the insane stuff that had been going on. Everytime I thought of being dragged down the stairs, I couldn't breathe. Every time I thought about Ralphie almost dying, I felt sick. Every time I imagined Amelia screaming I got head aches. You name any incident I'd had in this house, I'll give you a side effect of thinking about it.

The bruises on my chest and the hand prints on my neck hadn't faded. They looked like fresh burns, like the ones on my ankle. I had one on my cheek, and I couldn't even remember how I got it. I had two bright red hand prints on my back, that looked like scars. Tommy was getting them too. My siblings were fine. I'm not sure if they necessarily knew what was going on.

I felt so alone. No one to turn to. No one other than Mr. Forester and Tommy. They didn't even know what exactly to do. Anyone else would call me insane. My parents thought I was going nuts, I even questioned my theories sometimes.

The next day Mr. Forester took me, Tommy, Amelia, and Ralph to church. After I taught Ralph and Amelia, We prayed in the pews for hours upon hours. We started at 12:00 and ended at 4:30. Mr. Forester could stay there all day. We drove back to the hell hole I was expected to call home.

Our phones had finally gotten hooked up, so mama and papa started calling us.

The first call came at five. I ran to get it, assuming they couldn't wait to call me. "Mama?" I asked as soon as I reached the line. "Yes, Aleece. We'll be home in two days. You need to do us a favor." She said. I was so eager to hear her voice, hearing their voice at this point had made me feel safe. "Anything." "Go down into the basement really quick, and look for this tiny switch behind the furnace. It'll set the alarm, and you guys will be safe." I tried to explain how that wouldn't be possible, but I had no rational excuse. She commanded me again, so I hung up. That was when my mind filled with tons of excuses.

I went up stairs to check on Amelia and Ralphie. They were playing in mama and papas room. I realized I'd eventually have to turn on the alarm, it might even help us. It could keep more incidents from occurring. I thought about it, and decided I needed to do it. I was about to go back downstairs so I could get to the basement. I ran to the top of the steps, and I heard a banging coming from my room.

I slowly stepped in. The bathroom door was slamming, then opening, then slamming again. I walked to the bathroom door, and immediately knew I'd regret my action. I swung open the door. No one was there. I let my breath go and walked over to the only unbroken window in my room. I looked out of it at the stream below. The incident came to my mind, and pain filled my throat. I looked closer. A tiny little crow was flying like a bat out of hell. I leaned in closer to get a better look. The bird wasn't stopping or turning. It rammed right into the window, and shattered the glass.

It attacked me and clawed into my scalp. I didn't open my eyes. I just screamed and tried to seat it. Every time I touched it, it would bite my finger. I backed out of my room. I heard Tommy calling my name. I backed out so far, and had closed my eyes so tight, I fell right down the stairs. The crow held on and when I struggled, it would just dig into my scalp harder. I felt blood drip down my forehead. Tommy ripped the bird right out of my head, and threw it out the open the window. No way was I going into the basement too.

I opened my eyes, and watched the door swing open. Mama and papa were right there. Papa dropped on his knees next to me and looked at the blood pouring out of my scalp. "Who are these people, Aleece?" Mama asked. Mr. Forester answered. "There was a robbery, that's why there's all of these broken windows." Mama turned around to get a glimpse. "I've been here with your children with my fellow officer because you're not supposed to leave your child alone for as long as you did." Mama and papa stared at me. "Is that true, Aleece?" She asked. "Yes." I replied.

Mr. Forester and Tommy eventually had to leave. They packed their stuff up that night. I hugged Tommy before he left. "I'll see you tomorrow, pretty smile." He whispered leaving. "Thank you!" Papa called as the car pulled out of the drive way. Mr. Forester waved.

"We finished the interview earlier than I expected, you're going to Torrington high school in two days." Mama said with a smile ear to ear. I smiled back, even though under that smile, I was screaming. Before I went upstairs, I felt guilt. One for not telling mama and papa about the incidents, and two for by turning on the alarm. "Mama, I didn't have a chance to turn on the alarm like you had told me on the phone." Mama laughed once, but immediately stopped and put a stern look on her face.

"Aleece, we never called you. The phones aren't even hooked up yet."

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