My Beloved

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This ch..includes the following please leave to another ch. if you find these things uncomfortable!:



It was, what bad would call a normal day sat school, although..something felt off.
He felt as if he was being watched.

But, he just brushed it off, and continued on with his day. Hanging out with his boyfriend. George. They were on the roof casual chatting, about grades and stuff. Lightly kissing, then turning into know making out.(😏) although he couldn't quite shake the feeling.

'I'll kill him' Dream ran his fingers through his hair, as bad slept in his bed.

"For you my beloved" he whispered as he kissed bad's forehead. Before bad shifted slight.

As Dream climbed out the window he looked at bad peacefully sleep, closing the window as he exited out.

"D-dream! We can talk about this!" George yelped squirming away. As dream held a rope.

"This is the Price you pay for being with him" The Green eyed man cackled as launched himself at George. Which George quickly dogged. Conroe ring himself as dream stood up.

"Sweet dreams lover boy" was all George heard before it went black.


"News reporting live here at the ***-*** forest in *****, a dead body was reported by a man hiking. He says, 'it was the most horrific thing I've ever seen'. The boy found is yet to be identified. Check the article out for more details on this open case at www.*******.com. We have yet to find the perpetrator to this horrendous act." The news lady reported, as police were shown in the background. Bad was worried that his lover was the one. Giving him anxiety because his boyfriend hadn't answered all day.

He went to the article, looking to find more information about this.

He was horrified at what he read, and the photo on the website.

(Skip if u no like blood/gore?)

The poor man had been strung up, his face was beaten, to the point where he no longer looked like he had before the incident. He was strung by his legs. Like...he was butchered. His whole torso to his intestines where carved out. Nothing was left. It was a empty...hole. his clothes were torn. What he had was barely hanging on by strands. There was...a pile of leafs below him. Covered in blood. His flesh was white. As if the blood was gone. Sucked from him. he looked to have cuts and bruises everywhere. Wherever he looked he saw blood or bruises or cuts that turned white due to lack of blood.

He felt like throwing up. He had, had to check on his boyfriend.


Bad hurriedly walked to George's house, as he had no time to waste. As he entered, he opened the pearly white gate to his home(rich ppl shitzz). Hurrying to the door.

"George!?" He Knocked on the door. Hearing a shower turn off.

"Just a second" A voice shouted back. Giving back instant relief that the boy that was...killed want George.

Suddenly the door creaked open. Bad peaked into the house. Every light was off for some reason. He slowly walked in.

"George? Sweetheart?" He hesitated, as he saw the dining room light on. Slowly walking closer to the room.

As he entered he saw a man. A nicely set table and food.

Bad upon seeing the man immediately backed away.

"d-dream?- where's George?-" Bad backed away, slowly. Making the man jump up from his seat and walk over to bad.

"Dear don't leave, he isn't here at the moment. Why not stay for dinner. He should be back soon" Dream said hastily as bad stopped backing up.

"um, are you sure?-i can't stay for too l-long" he stammered, as dream inched closer to him.

"Yes, now let us have dinner together shall we?" Dream the grabbed Bads hand dragging him to the to dining room.

He then sat him down in The chair next to his.

"What are you g-guys um...having?" He murmured as he looked at the finely set plates.

Which carried some...sort of meat.

"Beef, with steamed vegetables and a special sauce, with wine as well"

"O-oh..sounds delicious..." bad stuttered as he pick up a fork.

"Try it, it's quite...delicious" Dream softly said, before eating the meat.

Bad had some, on his fork. He really didn't want to eat this. But it was offered to him, in a nice manner so, he may as well.

As he swallowed it, it had a bland taste.
It tasted quite funny.

"Enjoying it?" Dream asked, taking another bite.

Earning a small nod from the other.

Bad suddenly placed his fork down.

"I'm sorry, my h-"bad suddenly gagged as he threw up blood.

"I'm glad. You liked him."

Bad kept throwing up, when he finally stopped all he managed to get out was "h-him?"

"You ate his intestines.he's dead my love" was all bad heard before he only saw black.


"I'm sorry...I only wanted you to my selfish of me" he cried dramatically, as he placed bad's lifeless body on the bed.

"Oh dear...why don't we have some fun"




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