The Violence behind those eyes [😭🔫]

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Sorta Yandere AU [Prolly but not really-]

TW//Murderer/Manipulative bbh[SORTA]

Requested  by: @EmmaMacDonald9

[I apologize,I didn't know if you wanted smut in this!]


"George?can we talk alone?privately?"bad said tapping on the colorblind boys shoulder."Sure,what about?"George said as he turned around.Soon being pulled away from the person he was talking to."bad!where are you talking me!?" George asked as bad griped harder on his hand."we need to talk."bad said sounding serious.They finally made it to a spot where no-one was was the back of the school that was still being constructed."I-I-..."bad started,but then looked away.George had thought that bad liked him,so he'd have to reject him,sadly.."I need you out of my way."bad said plainly grabbing a brick from a pile near him and soon smashing George's head.bad sighed and took off his blood stained gloves to replace them with new ones,and make it look like George's death was an accident.


Bad had Murder others in even more brutally.Every single person who got in his way to his love.He had no mercy,no regrets.He had done so many,Murders, And framing whoever was left.All that was behind those once beautiful eyes,where now full of violence.




"B-bad!you don't have to d-do this!this isn't like you!"Dream said desperately backing away."what?baby this is me?I never left!cmon don't be afraid,I'm helping you :)"bad said as he came closer to the tall male that was on the floor."no!Your not helping m-me!"dream said trying to back away further from the demon,he once thought he knew."yes I am~I'm keeping you away from those horrible humans!you can have anything you want here,it's like a dream come,huh dream?"bad said giggling as he lifted dreams chin making him look at bad. "love,this all happened because of you,you love me.I love,if you leave you'll make your situation worse baby~"bad said griping dreams chin harder."b-bad-please-it hurts-"dream said trying to take bad's hand off of his chin."They all died because of you.You can't escape the feelings of guilt,regardless of what you do.I risk everything for you."bad said letting go of dreams chin and walking towards the door,soon leaving the darken blood stained room.

A/N:I'm am so,so very sorry I Legit haven't been updating the book.It's just,My goddam teachers have been giving me shit loads of homework for summer school.I could barley even write this,I've just been busy and uh I'll try and get the requested smut chapters out too,it might be next week-ish.I do apologize for this being the only chapter I could do this week-I'll rewrite this later,with more words and more stuff,(AND person who sorta requested this,tell me if ya wanted smut so when I re-write it I can add that)I just wanted to get something out for now.


Bye 🔫

467 words

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