Chapter 4

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They all just want to fuck me. Why would I even be that naieve, believing Jermerious was a good guy. I feel so filthy all over. I walk through the neighborhood alone, and disgusted. Its actually really beautiful here. Its been a long time since I'v been able to see the stars in the sky gleaming down upon me. What am I going to do. Will anyone ever love me.

"Aye Taylor wait up" I Turn around to see Biggie coming my way. He is the only guy I want holding me but he is the last person I want to see right now. "Go away biggie" I call out as I continue walking deeper into the night. "Whats wrong". "Nothing just go away". "No, calm your little ass down and talk to me" he runs over and infront of me blocking my destination. I Look up at him and just get pissed all over again. "All you want is to get my coodagra, you nasty ass mufucka".

His jaw clenches and he sucks his teeth at me. "Yo, you got life fucked up. I dont know what your deal is but you need to shut up". Shit he put me in my place. " Im sorry, I didnt mean to take my anger out on you or whatever". "Come on lets walk". For a while there was just silence, Yet there was a unspoken understanding. "Iv had alot of shitty things happen to me, ok". He nods. Just that nod was comforting. "All you guys ever want from me is to fuck, Well guess what I'v managed to stay a virgin this long and im ganna keep it that way". "If I wanted to fuck we would have fucked, If I just wanted that I wouldnt be her" . I Stop and look at him for a while.

The moment was perfect, on impulse I lean in to kiss him. Unexpectedly he takes a step back rejecting me. "Oh god, your not attracted to me, I know that pull away, I do it all the time to guys even girls". I cover my face with my hands embarressed beyond repair. "No no no, trust me there aint nothing I want more than to kiss you, but your vulnerable right now". He takes me in his arms and holds me close. We walk over to a near by park and sit down on a bench together. "Why are you here with me" I ask. "I dont know, there is just something about you". "I got a whole lot of issues you dont need in your life". "Who said I didnt have issues of my own". He takes me in his arms and holds me.

**4 Hours Later**

(Dog barking in the distance). My eyes flutter open to the sound of a dog barking. I sit up and stretch, yawning tiredly. I glance over to find biggie next to me. Oh god were still in the park. "Biggie wake up". He sits up and looks at me with a smile. "What time is it, oh god I gotta get back to kaylas". "Its 3 in the morning, come on we will walk back to my car and I'll drive you". He takes my hand and we briskly walk through the neighborhood. Seven blocks down we make it to his car. He opens the door for me to let me in. Then climbes around and gets in.

The drive wasnt long but felt like a lifetime. It felt like with him time slowed down. "Were here" we pull up in her drive way. "Thanks biggie". Before I can get out he pulls me in and kisses me passionatly and vigourasly.  His lips were everything I imagined. He was gentle but took control with his kiss. His right hand was on my waist whike his left held my face. He pulls away and grins at me. "Bye Taylor". I attempt to catch my breathe then manage to get out a "Bye biggie". I Hop out the car and sneak back into kaylas house and tip toed to her room. When I open the door there she is tonguing it down with some guy I recalk seeing at the party. "Uhm Kayla". "Oh Shit" Kayla jumps up fixing her self up.  "Hi" I say to the guy. "Hey" he replies embarressed himself. "So Kayla I will text you". "Alright bye, Javon" she says blushing while smiling ear to ear. The guy now know as javon walks out the room and leaves.

"Well arnt you just thoting it up" I say smiling at her. "Shut up, his name is javon and I like him alot". "I can tell, your smiling way to hard" . "Uh so are you, who were you with anyway"? I walk over and plop down on the bed smiling. "Biggie". "Uuhm really Taylor, Biggie of all people". "Uh yeah, I was upset and he comforted me". "How much did he comfort you"? "We just talked... and kissed" I say smiling biting my lower lip. "Bitch you didnt". "Yep I did, and I liked it alot". "Let it stop at that girl, he aint the nigga to get involved with". "What are you talking about"? "Just stop girl, Iv seen this with him alot, you dont want to be one of those girls". At this point I was annoyed and wanted the convo to be over. " Can we go to sleep, im tired as'f". "Yes".  We climb in bed and bundle up under the covers. What did she mean by I didnt want to be one of those girls. I push the thought out of my mind and let my self slip into a deep sleep.

**Alarm Goes Off**

I open my eyes and look over at Kayla drooling all over. I slide out of bed, and stretch. The memories of the night before come back to me. I smile to my self at the thought of Biggies lips on mine. Never have I imagined having such a strong attraction to someone. He is so beautiful and caring.


I reach over Kaylas limp body and pick up my phone. Oh fucking yeah. I almost forgot jermerious ass tried to get over on me last night. The fuck he got to say to me.

From: Jermerious

Text: Im so sorry please talk to me. I was drunk and had been smokin. I was out of my fucking mind. I care about you and you know I like you. I just wanted you to want me back.


I roll my eyes and put my phone down. Can I really forgive his stupid ass. Yeah, no I think not. I swore to myself im not ganna let another nigga get over on my ass. That shit is dead. Things are different now, and im in control.

"Who was that"? Kayla asks sitting up. "Your punk ass friend jermerious". "He is a punk ass because"? "Oh you didnt know, he forced himself on me all rape like and shit" I tell her getting ready to hop in the shower. "I knew he liked you and all that but, damn". "Yep, I dont want to see his face unless its on the next episode of first 48". "Damn your pissed". "Uh, you think".

I walk into the bathroom to find Crystal brushing her teeth. "Damn hoe can I have some privacy" she says rolling her eyes at me playfully. "Im taking a shower, you can watch me get undressed, or get to steppin". She looks at me holding her grown. Oh ok. I begin lifting up my shirt slowly. "Oh shit, nah fuck this" she leaves the bathroom. I laugh at her and get undressed then step into the shower.

After my shower I get dressed and come down stairs to check on everyone. Her brothers are all watching tv and diamond and crystal are eating cereal. "You guys need to go get ready so we can get ready to go out adventuring, I Still havnt been to the mall here or the movies, or to subway". "Fine give us a minute". They both run off upstairs while I make myself a bowl of cereal. As I eat my cereal I notice Kayla And Crystals older brother Kimani. If I wasnt so head over heels with Biggie I would So make a move on him. "Hi Kimani". Shit I wasnt supoose to speak. "Hey, its Taylor right". "Yeeaah" I say making sure I was arching my back while sitting on the bar stool. I really got to chill. He looks at me and smiles.

**Knock At The Front Door**

"I'll Get It". I run over to the front door and answer it. I find a thick latina look girl standing there. "Baby your here" Kimani says from behind me. The perky latina runs over and wraps Jumps on top of him begining to imspect the inside of his mouth with her tongue. "Omg its been so long girlfriend" I say sarcastically. Wow this is wonderful. I walk over into the living room and watch old cartoons.

About a half an hour later Kayla And Crystal come down stairs. We leave the house and pick up camila. "Aaye took yall long enough" She says.  "Girl were here aint we" Crystal says pulling out the drive way.  The whole ride was boy talk and sex talk. " Yall Can say what yall want my baby know how to put it down" crystal yells over all of us. "Thats my brother your talking about" camila screams with a disgusted look on her face. "Were here, lets go". 

We hop out the car and make our way into the mall. We imediatly  start exploring and endulging our selves in shopping excessivly.  "Dress up time". We run over to victoria secret to try on lengerie. I pick out a red laced lengerie set and run to the dressing room. When I step out to model it for the girls I vaguly catch a glimpse of a tall darkskin with dreads. Biggie? "Girls is this ass phat or nah" they turn around and mouths drop open. "Clothes do not do your body justice bitch" Camila says looking me over yeah I knooow. "Can we go eat now, im hungry" Kayla whines. "Sure let me get back dressed".

Once were all back in our clothes we leave for the  food court. As we go down the escelade in the far distance I see the figure that looks like biggie again. As we get closer down I can definietly tell its him. And a female. They were holding hands and talking. Maybe thats just his sister. He stops and grabs her face with one hand and brings her close by the waist with the other. Just when I thought my chest couldnt hurt any worse than it already did he kisses her. The same way he kissed me. "Son of a bitch".

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