Chapter 6

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Authors Note: Sorry Guys Its Taken Me So Long To Update But Im Here Now And Promise To Post More Frequently And Consistently.

"Miss Payne violence in this school is not taken lightly, If you think that you can come in this school and start problems you got another thing coming" Mr Lewis states sitting behind his Desk. "Are you done" I say between a devious smirk. "Uhm excuse me". "Your excused". Im starting a new life and no one is going to bully me and disrespect me. Especially a man. "Mrs Brown you are out of control". "Out of control really, im already on A,B honor roll, never had a tardy nor absence, and never been writin up. You really want to go there with me".

Theres a long pause and he watches me closely. "Im assigning you to after school detention today, and will be phoning home to your mother". Oh fuck why didnt I think this through. Pretending to be unfazed by the fact he is calling my mother I suck my teeth then roll my eyes. He picks up his phone and begins dialing. Once the phone starts ringing I start getting nervous as hell.
"Hello". Fuck. "Hi Mrs Brown, im calling in regards to your daughter, Taylor". "Oh really". Now my heart is pounding. I love my mom and she is my best friend but even I know she doesnt tolerate this. "Your daughter was in a physical altercation with another student to day, so I have given her detention for the day.". "May I speak with my child" My mother says as calmly as possible. "Yes ma'am" he hands me over the phone and my heart sinks into my stomach. "Hi Mommy". "Taylor, I dont know what your deal is but you better pray, I'll see you when I get home, Goodbye" she hangs up. Fuck. "Here's a note back to class". Im pissed now. My fucking blood is boiling. I snatch the note and gather my things. Fuck him, I leave making sure to slam the door behind me. As I walk up the stairs to my next class, all my emotions become overwhelming. Fuck Mr Lewis, fuck that bitch Alexis, and fuck biggie. Now my ass in trouble and shit. This would be my first time getting in trouble in school being here. I start feeling nervous and anxious. A situation like this usually I could could count on being punched and kicked. I wrap my arms around myself getting more anxious. Those same feelings I felt in washington are rushing over me like waves of pain.

**Flashback 2 years earlier**

"Are you going to get in trouble" my close friend avery asks as we walk home. "No way" I laugh it off. "Thats good, my mom would kill me". I know they are home, waiting for me. "I'll see you later" avery calls out as we go our seperate ways. "Bye". I start walking slower, dreading walking into that house. Why. Why couldnt I just shut my big mouth. After a while, there I was standing infront of my house.

From the outside our house appears to be so peaceful, just like the other houses. No one knows what really goes on in here. In everyone elses eyes were so happy. If they only knew. I Walk up to the front door and turn the knob as quietly as possible. Maybe if im quiet enough I can sneak up to my room. Maybe they will forget and leave me alone. I walk in and shut the door gently. I make my way to the stairs and begin tip toeing up the stairs. "TAYLOR". I turn around and there he is. Standing there. His fists clenched so tightly his hands looked white. Before I can start explaining the situation he charges me. Grabbing my hair he drags me down the few stairs I made up. "Im sorry, please stop" I cry out, attempting to loosen his grip. I regreted that immediatly. My body flung across the room into the cold unforgiving wall of our dining room.

"I didnt mean" before i could finish my sentence he used all his force and connected his fist with my jaw. That taste, like a mouthful of pennies. Blood.

**Flashback Ends**

Im ganna be sick. I rush to the nearest bathroom ready to throw up. Plunging head first over a open toilet. While I through up my insides I heard someone walk In. "Ayye you good" Ariel says from behind me. "Im Good". "You look like shit" she says helping me up. "Well you know I try" I say sarcastically while running cold water over my face. Once I felt somewhat better I dried off and made my way to the door. "Bye hoe, my ass gotta get to class". "Girl bye". I make my way to class, feeling the weight of the world on my shoulders.

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