Charging In

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Finally, the heroes and police has started their operation in saving Eri from Shie Hassaikai. They put a search warrant on them and able to rush into the resident. Ryukyu Agency are dealing the thugs outside while the others rushing into the resident.

(Shie Hassaikai Residence)

"Shie Hassaikai, we have a search warrant to search your premises on suspicion of manufacture and sale of illegal drugs!"

"Who the hell are you?!"

"What, what are you bastards?!"

"We said we're here to investigate, didn't we?!"

Mr. Brave: Please calm down!

Kesagiri Man: Clear a path! If you fight without thinking about the consequences, you'll regret it!

"They sent everyone out just to buy time?! That's so self-destructive..."

Mr. Brave: Leave them to us and go on ahead!

Sir Nighteye: We're counting on you!

Fat Gum: It's an emergency! Excuse us for not taking off our shoes!

They entered the house and head on.

Fat Gum: They haven't done anything suspicious yet!

Lock Rock: I'm getting kind of worried, man. We have no choice but to keep going now that we've started, though.

Amajiki: I wonder if someone leaked information to them! I feel like they're all gathered in one place for some reason...

"If someone had, I think they'd be avoiding us more smartly. They should all be used to working together with one will already."

Zolda: Then it show something isn't right.

Aizawa: They devote their all to their bond with their boss and brothers. They might feel ashamed now, but that makes them put more importance on their old bonds. This commotion... And Chisaki and the top brass haven't shown themselves yet. They're probably underground getting ready to hide or flee right now.

Kirishima: That's no loyalty!

Kazumi: And not manly!

Kirishima: Forcing their henchmen to take responsibility and running away themselves isn't manly, like Kazumin said!

Kazumi: Let's show them our passion of manliness, Kirishima!

Kirishima: Yeah!

Nighteye look forward at the hallway and remember what he see with the Foresight on the member of the Hassaikai he encountered. They keep up until they reach a certain area where the secret passage is. They reach a flower place.

Sir Nighteye: It's here. There's a device here to open a hidden passage. By holding down these woodens floorboards jn a specific order... it'll open.

He tap a the wood plates and the secret door behind the wall start to open.

Bubble Girl: It's like a ninja residence! Right?

Centipeder: If you hadn't seen it with your Foresight, we wouldn't have noticed it. Be careful of Quirks we haven't seen yet.

When the secret door slowly opened, three thugs with weapons in their hands come out rush to them.

"What the hell, bastards?!"

Centipeder: Bubble Girl! Take one of them!

He use his Quirk and grab two of the thugs with his centipede part.

Kamen Rider x Boku no Hero Academia: We are Hero (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now