Table of contents.

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1) Introduction to music
    definition of music,
    musical sounds, keys,pitch, rhythm,         beat,Tempo,
    harmony, melody, music theory.

2) Introduction to the guitar
    What is the guitar ?
    History of the guitar
    What a guitar is made of
    Types of guitar
    Parts of the guitar
    Names of the strings
    Tuning the guitar
    How to read guitar tablature

3) Musical intervals
    Accidentals, sharps, flats,
    natural signs, half step and whole  step , finger exercises.

4) Musical scales
     Definition of musical scale
     The major scale
     The minor scales

5) Building chords
    Definition of chord,
    Chord formula
    Building major triads
    Building minor triads

6) Basic open chords
    Open chords and voicing
    Chords exercises

7) Barre chords
    What are barre chords
    How to play barre chords
    Barre chords diagram

8) Basic Strumming patterns
     Definition of strumming pattern
     Tips to good strumming pattern

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