Musical scales

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Definition of a scale
A scale is a group of organized notes. It is a series of organized notes that presents the pitches that are within a key. A scale can proceed in an ascending or descending order.

A key is the tone in which a musical composition is played in. It is the beginning and ending chord of a song.
In music, there are basically two kinds of scales. They are :
i. The major scale
ii. The minor scale

1. The major scale are the building blocks for all of music. Major scales are built on a specific pattern of whole-steps and half-steps interval. The pattern for a major scale is :- Whole-step ,Whole-step, Half-step, Whole-step, Whole-step,
Whole-step, Half-step. Starting on any note,if you follow this pattern you will build a major scale in the note's key.

W-W-H-W-W-W-H or T-T-st-T-T-T-st
Note : An whole step can also be called a Tone, while an half step a semi tone.

Example : the C major scale
C C# D D# E F F# G G# A A# B. When we apply the pattern ( W W H W W W H) what we derive from it is. C D E F G A B C. Further, we can work it out :-
C to D = W, D to E = W, E to F = H, F to G = W, G to A = W, A to B = W, B to C = H.
Each of the eight notes in a have a degree name.
1st note : Tonic
2nd note : Super tonic
3rd note : Mediant
4th note : Subdominant
5th note : Dominant
6th note : Sub mediant
7th note : leading note ( tone)
8th note : Tonic . The first and the last notes are the same and the key of a song is determined by them.

Scale pitches names.
Doh  reh   mih  fah  soh  lah   si    doh
1st   2nd  3rd   4th  5th   6th  7th. 8th

2.The minor scale : this scale proceeds in a different pattern which is :- W H W W H W( this pattern is only for the natural minor scale).
Types of minor scale
i. Natural minor scale
ii. Harmonic minor scale
iii. Melodic minor scale

3. The natural minor scale is made of different notes, with the first and last notes also determining the scale name.
The natural minor scale is derived from the major scale of the same name, but the third, sixth and seventh degrees are lowered by an half step.

4. The harmonic minor scale proceeds in the interval of W-H-W-W-H-W-+H

5. The melodic minor scale proceeds in the interval of W-H-W-W-H+H-W+H

Part 5 Assignment.
. Use the Harmonic minor scale pattern to create a scale in the key of C ( harmonic minor)

. Use the melodic minor scale pattern to create a scale in the key of C ( melodic minor)

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