Moving Day

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Today is the day. We are loading up the moving vans. Whe my iPhone starts to play Oath by Cher Lloyd which meant either Annaela or Jesse is calling. I answer.

Me: hello

Lala:heyy girl what you doing

Me: it's moving day I am loading the vans

Lala: what you got on bitch.

I had on:

*booty shorts

*my black and yellow converses

*black undershirt

*yellow shirt

Lala: so cute

Me: yea I always look cute and you know it

Lala: you I know but you cray

Me: lol I got to go Roberts coming over in like ten mintues so we can have a goodbye lunch and dinner

Lala: bye call me later

I put the last of my boxes in the van and wait for Robert to come. When he shows up I run and hug him. He kisses me and I kiss him. We walk to his car and then we drive to Balino's Pizza Place. We order are food and eat it we make a plan to call each other everyday and oovoo every night.

Next day

Me: oh the day to leave

My mom: yeah so get dressed and let's start driving.

Me:okay when do I start school up there

My mom: monday okay

Me: wow mom we could not have a day to chill up there

Mom: no cuz I have to go on a bussiness trip right whe we get up there and Lennox is staying with grandma and auntie.

Me: fine mom

I get up and get I the shower real quick and get dressed. We start to drive.

18 hours later

Mom:Chi wake up were here.

Me: okay

Mom: okay get out the car and get the boxes out the trunk.

Me: okay

I get out and get the boxes out the trunk. When we get in the house everything is already there.

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