The Love Story

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No ones Pov

Bri and Chi are the cutest couple ever. Every where you see Chi, Bri is right their by her side. Every class period you see Bri and Chi making out and you see them at the movies and mall and at the beach. We all know there going to last forever.

Bri's Pov

I love my girlfriend.She is the best. I smile when I see her and when she's gone I think of her. When she is with me I miss her and when she is far I miss her. She makes me laugh when she does her cute facial expressions. My house doorbell rings. I answer it and there she is looking finer then ever.

Me: hey baby girl you look beautiful

Chi: hey thank you you look good too

Me: don't I always

Chi: shut up

Me: come in here sexy

Chi: okay baby

Me: go upstairs ill be right up.

Chi: okay *kissing me*

Me: * kissing her back*

Chi: * walks up the stairs*

Chi's Pov

I love my baby. She means the world to me. I giggle and smile every time I'm with he. I miss her when she's near and far. When I think of her all I want to do is kiss her and when im wth her I can keeps my hands off her. I walk up stairs to Bri's room and lay on the bed. The door opens.

Me: hey baby

Bri: damn you couldn't wait to get in my bed could you

Me: shut up cuz ur always in my bed

Bri: that's true baby

Me: so come here sexy

Bri: okay

Me: * kiss her*

Bri: * kisses me back*

Bri kisses my neck. I moan and smile. She kisses my lips with her soft lips. I bite her bottom lip.

Bri's mom: Brianna why is the jucie not in the frige

Bri: mom I'm busy just put it in for me

Her mom: Brianna I swear you will be grounded if you don't come down her

Bri: fine I'm coming

Bri* whispering* ill be right back baby

Me: *whispering* okay

She goes down stairs and comes right back up in like two seconds. We start making out agian then her phone rings Then she shuts it off. I kiss her then get up and close her door.

Bri: I love you

Me: I love you too

Bri: come here

I run to the bed and lay in her arms and we just talk until my mom calls and says my brother wants to come home and get more clothes. I take Bri with me to my house.

Lennox: hey chimene

Me: hey Lenny

Lennox: can you open the door

Me: didn't mom tell you where the spare key is hidden.

Lenny: no

I open the door then Lennox leaves.

Bri: so what now

Me: i don't know I'm kinda sleepy

Bri: okay them lets go to sleep them baby

Me: okay

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