I know i love her

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This chapter will be short.......


Chi's POV

School has ended. We are two weeks into summer vacation and I've done nothing but stayed in bed and cried my eyes out. I really do miss Bri. She is the love of my life. Lala and Jess keep texting me telling me to get over her and go find someone new but that shit ain't easy. Its only been three weeks since i last saw her. And i know her tweets and post are about me. And i know she's hurting too but I'm to coward to admit my wrongs and try to go and get my one true love back. She's mine. And all i want right now is what is mine back. I miss her smile her laugh her beautiful brown eyes her hair and the way it falls perfectly with out her trying. I miss the way she looked at me. Or the way she use to say my name. Now every time she says it. It feel like its filled with hate. I really do love her. Ill never stop loving her even it i keep telling myself i dont love her. How can i not love her. She's perfect. She's beautiful smart cute funny. And the one i really wanna be with. Right now I'm fighting the urge to text her and tell her all this because i feel as tho she doesn't feel the same way.

Bri's POV

I've spent the past couple weeks punching walls. Kickin doors. I have broken almost anything and everything that can help me get my stress out. I really miss Chi. Not having her around kills me. Right now i could say to you that i dont miss her. And i can try to hide my feelings but deep down i know that i want her. And for some reason i need her. She makes me happy even tho she can be a mega bitch sometimes. I seriously miss the way her eyes twinkle when the sun hit them. Or the way you can see all three shades of brown in her hair when shes in the right lighting. Without this girl right now i feel like nothing. I need to talk to her. But i don't know what to say.



All i know right now is that i love you and id do anything right now to get you back. Your the one i want. Even if i say i don't love you just remember I'm stubborn and don't want to admit how i truly feel for you. Even if i say i love someone else always remember that when I'm with that person your whats on my mind. All day and all night. Please just understand that i love you always will and always have.



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