Moving on is Best. Right?

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Hey in a shity mood thought id update. Pics on the side of Robert, my new character Bri's girlfriend Lola, Cali and Ali Robert and Chi's lesbian roomates

Chi's pov

(4:30 am)


What motherfucker wants to call me at 4:30 in the morning. I check caller id and it says BABY CAKES<3. Which means it fucking Robert calling this early.

Me: Hello *sleepy vocie*

Robert: Hey baby

Me: hi why are you up?

Robert: Sorry we moved in today and i didnt get a chance to text you and talk to you all day.


Robert: No we moved in baby are house is finally ready.

Me: YAY!!!! When do we move in.

Robert: When me and you get back from maine

Me: Are Cali and Ali moved in already?

Robert: Yeah.

Me: their super cute together.

Robert: Yeah i know but so are we.

Me: i know but baby cakes im going to go to sleep now. okay i love you. I will pick you up from the airport at 12 today okay.

Robert: okay bye i love you too.

Bri's pov

Me: Lola come here babe. im tired and its 4:45am. Lets just go to sleep do your hair im the morning.

Lola: Bri you dont get it my hair needs to be perfect.

Me; I kow that but it will be perfect if you do it in the morning too.

Lola: fine im coming

Yes everybody i moved on. It was the best thing to do. Right? I dont know. I still love Chi. But i see that her and robert are moving in together so i have no chance.And theres. No point in trying anymore.

Lola's Pov

I get in bed with Bri and i see her pick up her phone and start to type a text.

Me: who r u texting at 4:55am. Huh???

Bri: No one babe.

Me: Bullshit

Bri: no one i swear check.

I take her phone and check. Hmmmm this bitch thinks she's slick right. I saw her delete what she sent.

Bri's pov

Shit i was lucky. If lola saw that i was sending a text to Chi she would have freaked.

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