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Yan Mo had a foreboding feeling. If he did not hurry and decrease his scum points, if he waited for his scum points to surpass another level, pass by another 10 points, maybe pass at another 100 points; there would definitely be a new penalty. Because if he was making the rules, he’d definitely do it like that.

But how do you reduce scum points?

Yan Mo’s heart thumped, he turned to Cao Ting. “Sister, are you curious about the strange things I’ve been doing? “

Cao Ting nodded.

“Just remember that if you encounter the same situation in the future, especially if it’s light fractures, you can use this method.If there are no sticks, you can use hard items that are hard to bend such as slate, animal bones, etc… “ Yan Mo taught Cao Ting the most basic methods for dealing with fractures.

Talking on one side, he gestured to the remaining sticks to let her see.

He had interns before. He taught both people with a foundation and without a foundation in medicine. For Cao Ting’s kind, he would use the most easy to understand method and personally teach her. He never gave up on stupid students because he originally was not smart as well. But he hated all students who wasted learning time and opportunities. For those who didn’t listen, he would keep them all in his mind one by one, nothing on his face would show. If the other party never corrected, he would cut them off and discard them. They wouldn’t know a thing.

Cao Ting treasured such opportunities. Her face showed her surprise and gratefulness. Listening and nodding her head, she completely ignored that he was a lot younger than her and did not scorn Yan Mo. Before, Yan Mo’s barbarian treatment had shaken her. But now she completely believed that Yan Mo was the Yanshan’s priest’s disciple. Being able to learn a priest’s healing methods was a blessing from the heavens.

— Teach First Aid Fracture knowledge once

Scum -1 Point

Total Scum points: 100,000,007

Sure enough! Yan Mo verified his own theory. There was a smile on his face. Only this point decrease was too little. 

Five seconds later, another phrase once again appeared on the guidebook:

Note: When the learner uses their first aid knowledge for the first time and puts it to good use, the initial instructor will decrease scum points by one.

So it had a MLM pattern  (Multi level marketing).  Yan Mo was satisfied with this, but began teaching even more carefully. After all, the note said it must be successfully displayed before he can get Cao Ting to lower his scum point by one.

Multi Level Marketing Structure
Of course he can’t expect an Orthopedic Trauma Specialist after teaching something so simple only once, but at the very least it’ll leave an impression in the brain. Then he’ll slowly teach it to them until they master it. He believes there will be no shortage of practice for Cao Ting in this place.

Finally Yan Mo summed up, “If it is a really big fracture, like mine or Da He’s where only the skin was left attached. For example, if it’s a comminuted fracture, not only do you need to align the bones, a complex surgery is also needed. This operation includes removing the shattered bone, setting the bone, reconnect the broken tendons and blood vessels, etc… Even if the surgery is performed, it can leave behind various repercussions.”


There were many of words that Cao Ting didn’t quite understand.

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