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By the time Yan Mo unskillfully finished skinning the vole, the sky already turned dark. The sunset hanging from the west side emitted a gorgeous red color in the sky.

Many people had already eaten dinner or currently making dinner. The rich smell of cooked meat lingered around in Yan Mo’s nose.

He swallowed several mouthfuls of saliva. Next door, the quick handed Cao Ting already finished grilling the meat. When her master was called out to eat, she even came over to help Yan Mo with the other vole.

“Haven’t you been hungry for a long time? You look like you have no energy.” Cao Ting twisted the neck of the vole. Using the stone knife to carve out a circle from the open neck, cut off the tendons and muscles connected to the skin and pulled off the skin.

Just like that, the entire vole’s skin peeled off.

The strength of the people here was not small. Yan Mo looked at his own pair of hands, did he lack strength because he was hungry? He was 90% sure.

Yan Mo felt bad for having Cao Ting do everything for him. He took a stone knife to the skinned vole and cut open its chest. To quickly settle down and get to work was a quality asset he had from his previous life. Having changed bodies, although it still feels strange, but all his skills were still there.

He was quite slow dealing with the internal organs of the first vole, but by the second one he improved a lot.

When Cao Ting discovered this, he had already evenly divided the body.

“Don’t need to mince it, it’s more convenient to roast such a small prairie rat.”

Yan Mo stopped his hand, out of habit he usually cut up the meat to braise or stir fry. He forgot that the concept of braising or stir fry didn’t even exist here.

Cao Ting helped cut open the other rat with a knife. She sprinkled coarse salt then put it on the fire pit.

“Minced can only be used for boiling. Remember next time, it’s best not to boil meat. The salt that we use will turn it bitter if boiled in water. Using the fire to roast won’t give it such a bitter taste.” Cao Ting sighed, Yan Mo didn’t even know how to cook. The priest’s disciple, perhaps doesn’t have to cook for himself?

“The salt is bitter because it still has other minerals inside it. You just need to boil it a couple more times and it’ll get a lot better.” Yan Mo pointed out.

Cao Ting looked at him strangely, “Boil it a couple more times? Isn’t that wasteful? Don’t you know that salt, water, and grass to burn is precious? The Yanshan people cannot be THAT wasteful. Yuan Zhan must have a good heart to let you use that much salt, water, and grass without scolding you. If it was any other master, you would be beaten and starved for several days.”

It turns out that it wasn’t that people here did not know how to get better tasting salt, but they weren’t willing? No wonder that he taught the knowledge but the Exile Transformation Guide did not respond.

Even in the 21st century, many poor areas in China were still living extremely primitive lives. It’s not that they don’t know how to live a better life, but can only suffer through not having the proper requirements.

Yan Mo is thick skinned and blushed for no reason.  

If the guidebook’s Water Geography article could be used right now it would be great. In this climate and environment, maybe you’ll find natural salt ponds and salt lakes. The temperature here is so high and the sun is so strong during the day. Boiling salt could not compare to the sea salt method. And drying sea salt is more environmentally and economically friendly as well.

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